Monday, January 23, 2012

Job: RiH needs experts for assessment & monitoring of systems; Procure & manage health products

ResultsinHealth (RiH) is an international advisory agency, specializing in public health and development. It offers services to governments, non-governmental organizations, bilateral and international organizations, and financing agencies. RiH has a passion for the development and delivery of effective health care to disadvantaged populations, for the design of effective technical interventions, and for actively fighting the major human epidemics. 

A major component of RiH´s portfolio is its responsibility for procurement and supply management (PSM) systems in almost 70 countries, through a collaborative agreement with one of the largest Local Fund Agents of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Products procured under Global Fund grants generally include medicines, diagnostics, lab materials, medical equipment, and preventive materials such as long-lasting insecticide treated nets and
condoms. RiH wishes to contact experts who can assist in the assessment and monitoring of systems to procure and manage those health products. Services relate to the full cycle of selection, quantification, procurement, quality assurance, storage, distribution, inventory management, management information systems, and rational use of commodities.

Experts will assess and monitor PSM systems, with the aim of ensuring best practice and risk minimization for the Global Fund. Work carried out will allow the Global Fund to provide feedback to Principle Recipients and direct them to appropriate systems strengthening efforts. Experts will work under the supervision of RiH's senior PSM experts. Activities may involve onsite PSM assessment visits, or desk reviews of planning documentation. Requests often come at short notice, and responses must be swift. Missions typically require 1-2 weeks onsite activities, with rapid reporting thereafter.

Successful candidates have a university degree in pharmacy, health or a related area, and several years of experience in international procurement and supply chain management of health commodities. Hands-on experience is a non-negotiable requirement. Training in pharmaceutical procurement, international tendering, pharmaceutical supply chain management and/or project management are desirable, as is experience in the management and implementation of HIV/AIDS, Malaria
and/or Tuberculosis control programmes in developing countries.

ResultsinHealth experts have a strong commitment to health and development, and a special interest in issues related to public health. They have an open mindset, flexible attitudes, and an entrepreneurial approach. Strong interpersonal skills are indispensable, as are strong self-management skills and an ability to deliver in a timely fashion. They express themselves clearly and concisely, especially in written form.

Excellent verbal and written knowledge of English is a key requirement. All reports will have to be written in the English
language. Additional language skills (especially French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic) are very welcome.

RiH support:
RiH works with a system of peer-review and discussion within the wider RiH team, and senior PSM experts coach more junior colleagues to strengthen their skills and experience. Deliverables are also reviewed to ensure consistency with internationally accepted good practice, regulations and requirements. Given the strong academic approach of the RiH team, significant emphasis is placed on the promotion of objectively verifiable data and reference sources.

Applications should be sent by email to 

Please include the following information:

 - Curriculum Vitae
 - Short letter of presentation (½ - 1 page), describing
  your abilities to meet the essential requirements
 - Names and contact details of a minimum of 2 references

More information on ResultsinHealth can be found at

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