Friday, January 16, 2015

MdM general coordinator (M/F) in Tanzania

MdM general coordinator (M/F) in Tanzania
For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies. Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations.
MdM currently works in 46 countries across all continents where it focuses on 4 priority areas: caring for the health of migrants and displaced persons, promoting sexual and reproductive health, combating HIV and reducing the harm and risks associated with drug use, crises and conflicts.
Médecins du Monde is an international solidarity association, whose aim is to treat the most vulnerable populations in situations of crisis and exclusion throughout the world and in France by:
  • Encouraging voluntary commitment and volunteer physicians, other health professionals, as well as professionals in other disciplines necessary for its actions;
  • Ensuring the support of all the skills necessary to accomplish its mission;
  • Focusing on close relations with the people treated.
    Harm reduction in Dar Es Salaam
    MdM has been working in Tanzania since 1992 on HIV/AIDS development projects. Since 2010 MdM has implemented a Harm Reduction program in Temeke District focused on HIV and Hepatitis prevention among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). Since the pilot phase ended in 2013, MdM program now focuses on scaling up harm reduction across the city of Dar es Salaam through its strengthened training and resource center which proposes notably technical assistance to partners. MdM has entered in partnership not only with MoHSW and the municipality of Temeke but also with other NGOs, the main one being MUKIKUTE.
    Harm reduction in East Africa
    The program in Tanzania is part of the strategy of MdM to disseminate the principles and services of harm reduction across Africa with current focus on East Africa. In Kenya a program started in 2012. In 2014 the program with focus on:
    A Drop In Centre (DIC) & outreach services offering prevention and access to HIV, HBV, HCV and STI testing/care and treatment + referral system
  • Empowerment of self-help support groups and networks
  • Capacity building of local, national and regional stakeholders
  • Advocacy campaigns/workshops for the promotion of an adapted and holistic approach to HR services
    Both programs in Tanzania and Kenya promote the diffusion of Harm Reduction approach in Eastern Africa through partners and interns


The general coordinator ensure the overall quality of the current program in Dar es Salaam, leads the scale up efforts and guide the strategy of MdM in terms of dissemination of HR model in Tanzania (with inputs for the regional approach).
As the General Coordinator, you are in charge of:
  • The planning of the entire mission as well as the monitoring and the evaluation of the program
  • The definition of the general organisation of the mission and the staff. You manage and supervise the co-ordination team; you make or approve management decisions; and you are in charge of the quality of the overall climate and the working conditions of the entire mission.
  • The overall safety of people and property for the entire mission; You supervise the administrative coordinator in the implementation of safety rules and ensures that decisions are applied.
  • The supervision of the elaboration, follow up of the agreement with local partners; ensure the good relations with them and the respect of the commitments notably by supervising and building the capacity of the Partners Liaison officer.
  • Maintaining regular relations with the local authorities.
  • You ensure together with the HR program coordinator the mobilisation and strategic involvement of key partners in programme design and implementation - local government, civil society, communities and IDUs
  • You lead MdM's representation with national level decision makers in Tanzania, as well as regional and international stakeholders (The program is well known and attracts a lot of attention and requests for presentations in conferences, workshops, etc..)
  • You lead the budgetary exercise with the administrative coordinator; she/he approves any eventual adjustments; ensure the compliance and transparency of funds' use.
  • You ensure compliance with the administrative and legal framework of the country and the rules and regulations of the mission.
  • You are in charge of raising funds in the field; guarantee that the contract of objectives defined by the donors is fulfilled and that contractual obligations are respected, including timely and quality reports.
  • You organise relations and communication with the head office of MDM; are in charge of the quality of the submitted reports on activities and ensures compliance with procedures for the exchange of information and reporting.
  • You encourage contacts with the media, transmits and spreads the Association's official positioning to the staff and to the media; you ensure the visibility of the mission and the consistency of any comments made with the Association's positioning.
  • In terms of international human rights law / international humanitarian law, you are in charge of heightening the staff's awareness, of collecting and spreading data collections according to the directives of the DH unit; you make sure that the actions led are coherent and that the Association's positioning on the gathering of testimonies is respected.
  • You a role in ensuring that the Tanzania programme plays a strong and constructive role in MdM advocacy work for Harm Reduction


Starting: 31/03/2015
Duration: 12 months
Contract : EMPLOYEE (French contract)
Short term contract
Family posting possible


Professional Experience
  • At least 5 years of field experience including 3 years as general coordinator
  • Experience in the management of intercultural teams
  • Excellent interpersonal and diplomatic skills, with a proven track record in forming effective relationships with a range of local and international partners, including at the highest levels of government and media.
  • Experience in community based programming
  • Experience of building capacity of NGOs
  • Fluently spoken and written English is essential
  • Swahili is a plus
  • French is a plus
    Required Skills
  • Thorough understanding of the principles and practise of public health programme development, management, monitoring and evaluation
  • Good knowledge on Harm Reduction, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C prevention, care and treatment
  • Motivation to work with local partners and capacity building of multicultural partners
  • Good negotiation skills and strategic insight
  • Financial monitoring and forecasting
  • Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent knowledge of raising awareness technics and communication
  • Good computer skills including MS Word and Excel PPT
  • Knowledge of donors procedures, especially French, UK, GF
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment; non-judgemental approach towards others
  • Ability of representation
  • Ability to prioritize workload and plan activities
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and responsibilities
  • Ability to work in strong collaboration with different level of constraints and interlocutors
  • Ability to self-motivation and to motivate others
You will be committed to MdM's values as an organisation and be motivated by its non-statutory, Not-For-Profit model
A good command of the SAGA software would be an asset

Please send your CV and cover letter via this page :

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