Thursday, December 17, 2015

Development of Guidelines and Specifications for Low Volume Sealed Roads through Back Analysis

Invitation to tender for "Development of Guidelines and Specifications for Low Volume Sealed Roads through Back Analysis"
The UK government has been supporting research on low volume sealed roads (LVSR) in Sub Saharan Africa and South East Asia since the 1990s. The research included back analysis of the performance of existing LVSRs and the construction of new research sections. In all cases the objective was to define design standards and specifications for LVSRs that could be adopted by roads agencies and applied with confidence by engineers in the region. Important complementary research on LVSR materials and design standards has also been carried out by other organisations and government departments in Sub-Saharan Africa that will need to be captured and consolidated as part of the project. There is now an opportunity to build on the outcomes of the work done in the previous four decades in terms of both consolidating and assessing existing data sets, and re-visiting selected representative roads to capture further information on road pavement performance.
The Research for Community Access Partnership (ReCAP), managed by Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd, is seeking proposals from suitably qualified organisations to implement a project entitled:Development of Guidelines and Specifications for Low Volume Sealed Roads through Back Analysis.
The overall aim of the project is to provide a consolidated knowledge base related to the performance of low volume seals roads (LVSRs) using generally non-conventional design standards and materials through the provision of a database for the capture of data related to roads that have been "back-analysed" over the past four decades in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The database will also provide:
  • A valuable source of information for use in current and future research projects involved in the development of guidelines and specification for LVRRs;
  • The identification of gaps for further investigation in phase 2 of this project; and
  • An information management tool for consolidation of relevant LVSR performance data generated by emerging African research centres in the future. 
The project will be implemented in three (3) Phases with a total indicative budget of GBP 970,000. The indicative budget for Phase 1 is GBP270,000 (plus GBP35,000 for the pool of experts) and provisional sums of GBP 455,000 and GBP 210,000 should be assumed for Phase 2 and Phase 3, respectively. Tenderers are required to submit a detailed technical and financial proposal for Phase 1 only.
This tender process is open to any organisation that meets the criteria detailed in this tender documentation. There are no nationalities/country of registration restrictions.
Interested organisations can request the full tender documents by sending an e-mail with copy to, stating the project reference No.RAF2069A on the e-mail subject. 
All submissions must be received by no later than 15th February 2016, 17:00 UK time
Cardno Emerging Markets is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to Child Protection.
Further information about the ReCAP please visit       

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