Monday, October 6, 2014

Research on Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

1.CONSULTANCY: To conduct research on Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children using qualitative and quantitative methods in selected locations in Solomon Islands

Save the Children will be undertaking research on Child Trafficking (CT) and Commercial and Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in selected locations in Solomon Islands. The findings of the research will assist Save the Children, Solomon Islands Government and other key stakeholders to understand the extent of CT and CSEC in these locations and to develop and implement relevant actions to address the identified issues. The resulting data may also be used to support appropriate national level action plans, legislation and policy development, including advocacy for the signing of the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography.


The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct research using qualitative and quantitative methods to understand the context of child trafficking and extent of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the selected locations in Solomon Islands. The proposed research will build upon existing information through a comprehensive desk review on CT and CSEC issues in Solomon Islands. The outcome of this research will be a robust research report to be used by Save the Children and key stakeholders including NAAC, TACSEC and TIPAC to inform relevant action plans, particularly related to new laws such as the revised Immigration Act and Family Protection Act. The community and child-friendly versions of the report will also be used by communities and other stakeholders to enhance awareness on child protection issues based on the findings of the research.
Research methods shall include review of existing literature, field and office based interviews, quantitative survey, focus group discussions involving a range of stakeholders. A list of key stakeholders will be agreed upon to participate in the Study, however these groups should be represented: children[1], community members, religious and cultural leaderships, Police, Immigration Officials, Health workers, NGOs, private companies and business community, NAAC, TIPAC and government officials.
The Consultant will:
· Develop and finalise research protocols for review and final approval to the designated ethics committee through Save the Children
· Conduct a comprehensive Desk Review of existing information available on CT and CSEC in Solomon Islands
· Develop a robust research design including research methodology, data collection tools, work plan and outline of the research report to be approved by Save the Children
· Train the research team to administer the relevant tools
· Supervise the implementation of the survey and quality control of data collection
· Understand the child protection and safe guarding policies of Save the Children and bring any sensitive issues identified through the research to the immediate attention of SI Country ManagementCollate and analyse the data collected
· Develop a written research report for review by Save the Children and TIPAC.
· Produce a power point presentation of the research findings


12 Weeks

5.Key Policy Requirements

Child safe Recruitment: The Consultant and all researchers will undergo child safe recruitment procedures, including training and signing up to Save the Children Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct. They will also be provided with information on the child protection reporting process on what to do if a child discloses abuse during an interview and possible referral options.


· Advanced degree in Law, Social Work/Sciences, Human Rights or related field of study
· Sound knowledge on the situation in Melanesian Countries preferably Solomon Islands and the Pacific region in General
· Prior experience in conducting research studies as well as demonstrated experience in leading research teams including quantitative survey
· Strong analytical skills
· Excellent writing skills (examples to be provided in interview process)
· Experience in community engagement methodology
· Previous work experience in relation to Child Trafficking / Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and good understanding of child protection concerns in the Pacific Region is an asset
[1] Children's participation will be in line with Save the Children Child Participation Standards and must be voluntary, informed, safe, inclusive etc. Discussion with children will be facilitated by trained researchers who have undergone screening and child safeguarding training. Discussions will be gender and age appropriate.
How to apply:


Applicants will have to undergo child safe recruitment procedures, reference check and a National Criminal Record check prior to the engagement as required Save the Children independent consultant's policy.
The consultant will be reporting to PQE Manager / Country Director, Save the Children, Solomon Islands program. CVs and letters of application including proposed consultancy rate should be submitted by email and CC to
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .All interested should briefly describe how they intend to undertake this assignment (Research Plan), and possible sources of information/data. Applicants should also explain how their professional experience matches the required skills and qualifications.
Closing date for application is 9am Melbourne time 13th October 2014. No applications will be received after this time.

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