Saturday, October 4, 2014

HRM Adviser - PNDS Support Program

HRM Adviser - PNDS Support Program

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location

AustralasiaTimor LesteDili

Job Summary

​The Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS), or National Program for Village Development, is a new, nation-wide community development program of the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL). Launched in June 2012 and valued at $300 million over eight years from 2014, it will contribute to rural development by funding the 'missing link' to services – basic village infrastructure – and provide jobs and training.
The Government is providing each village with an annual grant of around US$50,000 to plan, construct and manage their own small scale infrastructure projects.
An Inter-Ministerial Committee and a Technical Working Group, representing key ministries (Finance, State Administration, Health, Education, Agriculture, Public Works and the National Development Agency), have been established to oversee the implementation of PNDS. The PNDS Secretariat within the Ministry of State Administration supports these bodies and is responsible for the implementation of PNDS.
The Australian Government is assisting the Government of Timor-Leste to implement PNDS through the PNDS Support Program managed by Cardno Emerging Markets.
The PNDS Support Program has a requirement for Human Resources Management Adviser.

Key Responsibilities

​The key responsibilities of the HRM Adviser will be to :
  • Assist the Human Resource Management Adviser (LTA) to develop the capacity of individual officers, and the HR and Training Department as a team, to perform the PNDS Secretariat's personnel management functions.
  • Advise and assist the PNDS Secretariat to ensure their personnel management functions comply with civil service laws and regulations.
  • Support the development of management systems for all HR processes, including recruitment, performance management, sanction and rewards, and personal development.
  • Provide advice and support to the HR and Training Department in the provision of high quality HR services and training and development programs for all staff.
A copy of the Terms of Reference and Selection Criteria for this position can be found by clicking on the link: here

Other Requirements

Please click on the Terms of Reference for selection criteria and how to apply.

Employee Benefits

​To be contracted up to 7 August 2015 with the possibility of extension.


For further information about this position or to submit your application, please e-mail with the reference "PC16 – HRM Adviser" in the subject line.
Closing date 16 October 2014, 5.00pm Dili time.
Late applications will not be considered.

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