Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Climate Program Director - U.S./China

Climate Program Director - U.S./China
China is now the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gasses (GHGs). That humans are impacting the climate is not disputed in China as poor air quality makes the issues a very real and current problem. With rapid economic growth and urban development, it is estimated that there will be 1 billion urban dwellers in China by 2030 and approximately 250 million middle class consumers entering the market over the next 10-15 years, driving continued increases in energy consumption and GHG emissions.
WildAid has successfully reduced shark consumption in China by 50-70% through mass media campaigning and now wants to use that model to reduce carbon emissions in China in partnership with the Chinese government and media.
The "5 To Do Today" campaign is designed to influence attitudes, inspire behavioral change and create support for climate action. WildAid believes that individuals can make a significant, collective impact by modifying their daily routines to reduce their individual environmental footprint and that this will create an atmosphere receptive to policy change within China. It has already a stable of top celebrities and initial materials.
The Climate Program Director (CPD) will lead the development of the program both thematically and financially. Reporting to the Managing Director and based in San Francisco, the CPD is responsible for identifying opportunities and strategies, cultivating and securing partnerships in China and sources of funding in the US, conducting research, creating strategies for roll out and measurement of the campaign's effectiveness.
They will provide leadership, technical expertise, and guidance to staff, volunteers, potential partners, and donors on all aspects of the program.
From establishing goals and success factors to developing project plans and growing the budget from $600,000 to $1,000,000+, the CPD will balance overall program management, cost, and scope.
Currently WildAid reaches over 1 billion consumers across 35 different platforms through over 50 media partnerships. Leveraging this media strength and the demonstrated strong political will in China, there is a great opportunity to build relationships and partnerships for massive campaign impact in China. The CPD should identity key targets (eg. public transport use, energy use reductions) and partners (eg City governments, media, industry etc.)
The CPD will need to quickly grasp WildAid's approach. Being able to fully embrace the power of the media to create awareness, excitement, partnerships, events, and more ambassadors is a priority for the success of the program.
The CPD will leverage their sector knowledge and contacts to ensure that all program initiatives are aligned and funded. This will include identifying and soliciting potential partners across the U.S. and potentially internationally, as well as preparing supporting materials, writing reports, and grant–writing.
The CPD will develop and implement a business plan for the campaign and a vision for its growth potential. Skilled program management for successful implementation internationally is key. The CPD will rely on his/her technical expertise to introduce evaluation tools that will accurately measure and communicate campaign effectiveness against program goals.
We seek an intelligent, passionate, experienced team player committed to impacting climate change. This individual must be entrepreneurial, possessing the highest degree of integrity. Self-motivated and driven to get things done, the ideal candidate is an excellent, proactive communicator and successful collaborator with stakeholders internally and externally.
Candidates will have spent all or part of their career working in the climate arena. Experience in China specifically and international program management is necessary.
The successful candidate will have worked with senior-level stakeholders, such as Board Directors, grant-making organizations, and country directors, to secure commitments and manage execution against campaign objectives. They have experience raising funds. This individual will need to succeed in multicultural settings. They will be comfortable with ambiguity and welcome the opportunity to work in a dynamic, nimble, start-up-like environment.
The successful candidate should have a minimum of 5 years related work experience in a climate change organization or company in relevant positions of increasing scope and responsibility. Must possess independence, excellent people skills, and personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a commitment to the mission. Proven experience working for an international organization in a similar capacity and fundraising is highly desired. A Bachelor's degree is required and an advanced degree is a plus. Spoken Mandarin and experience in grant writing and corporate partnerships are desirable. A background in media, communications, public relations, new media, marketing, advertising, or experience in television/video production is an asset.

How to apply

WildAid is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. For immediate consideration, please address a cover letter and resume in single PDF or Word format to Tessa McMullen

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