Thursday, June 12, 2014


COET is a Tanzanian NGO that supports street-involved children and youth, as well at risk and vulnerable families.
We are looking for candidates who are qualified in a relevant degree related to Operations Management and Human Resources and who have had at least 3 years experience working in this field. We are also looking for candidates who are responsible, hard-working and self motivated, as well as being committed and passionate for working towards our objectives of supporting street-involved children, youth and their families.

Operations and HR Manager:
The main role as Operations and HR Manager is to supervise and head all the operations of all the projects within the organisation, to ensure all staff is fulfilling their roles and responsibilities and that we are in line with our planned targets with beneficiaries, in addition to being responsible for the Human Resources of the Organisation.
The Operations and HR Manager must report to the Senior Management team and the Board.
The Operations and HR Manager is responsible for all operations and staff on the projects and for ensuring appropriate support is being provided to the beneficiaries of the project.
All of the work completed working directly with the children on the projects must follow with all clauses within the UN Convention of Children's Rights, in addition to Tanzanian Law.

Specific Roles:
To monitor each staff members whereabouts each day, to ensure that each member of staff is carrying out their planned activities that they have reported to be carrying out, which is in line with fulfilling their job role.
To closely monitor staff's arrival times and leaving times of work, recording all late and absent staff members.
To monitor and ensure that all Department meetings are being carried out timely on a weekly basis. To be present in each of these meetings, to supervise and ensure that the meetings follow the agreed agenda, including reviewing the previous weeks activities and each individuals plans for each week within each Department. It is vital that the Operations and HR Officer has a record of each staff member's timetable of activities within each Department each week, so to effectively supervise and monitor the completion of their activities.
To ensure that any other planned meetings are carried out, such as case analysis within each Department, Support Staff meetings, Management meetings, Senior Management meetings etc.
To be responsible for ensuring that the organisational structure of the organisation is followed and that each member of staff is following the steps and reporting to the right levels within the organisational structure of the organisation.
To have a clear understanding of all HR procedures, polices and processes, so to ensure that all staff members have and show a clear understanding of these. To head all HR issues, ensuring that all HR procedures set out within the organisation are followed in a clear, transparent and fair way, when dealing with these issues with each staff member.
To provide support, guidance and motivation to all staff members to ensure they can complete their activities and responsibilities to a high standard. This includes providing team building and motivational tools, as well as time dedicated for this to be carried out with all staff members.
To supervise and monitor closely the daily running of the children centres within our programmes, especially in relation to the completion of the daily routine.
To supervise that necessary materials are in stock in our offices and in the centres, in order for all members of staff to carry out their work efficiently and that all necessary materials are available for our beneficiaries.
To support the Finance Department to help follow up with each staff member from each department to ensure all the relevant receipts for compiling the organisations accounts are received and accounted for.
To closely monitor the work of each Department, ensuring you receive their reports in the given time period, that they are filled in appropriately and to a good standard, in addition to ensuring that the relevant Departments are regularly filling the Log book.
To help compile monthly activity reports through the reports provided to you by each Department on a weekly basis.
To take a lead role in implementing regular staff appraisals and to use these as effective ways to further motivate staff members within their work.
To represent the organisation at functions, meetings, in the media or in any other way that is relevant to promoting the work of the organisation or networking with relevant actors. To also facilitate guests, donors, partners, authorities or other stakeholder when visiting the organisation. It is your responsibility to have a clear understanding of all of the work of the organisation, so you can speak well and effectively of our activities, challenges and plans going forward. Additionally, it is also your responsibility within the position you hold to ensure you conduct yourself respectfully and speak well of the organisation outside of working hours.
It is your responsibility to be an active member of the IR Network and to work towards encouraging close working relationships with the partners, as well as to carry out additional activities in the interest of the Network where necessary.
To head up additional operational activities where necessary, to ensure the smooth running and development of the organisation.

Interested candidates who meet our outlined criteria should submit an application letter, updated CV, copies of relevant credentials and certificates and at least 2 referees to COET, P.O. Box 5082, Mwanza, Tanzania.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and interviews will take place in the last week of June 2014.

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