Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Geriatric Social Services Coordinator/Care Manager

Geriatric Social Services Coordinator/Care Manager
Ethos is looking for a Geriatric Social Services Coordinator (GSSC)/Care Manager who will: conduct follow-up personal interviews to reassess client needs; coordinate services with providers; act as an advocate for clients in obtaining government and other services; and provide short-term crisis management support to clients. The GSSC attends primary care team meetings with the senior care organizations (SCOs) and meets documentation standards of the SCOs while performing responsibilities as part of a Home Care team.
This position works with a very diverse group of clients. Ability to speak
Haitian–Creole is Required.
  1. Maintain an ongoing caseload of clients.
  2. Coordinate services with provider(s) and supports.
  3. Reassess each client's need for service by a personal interview in the home.
  4. Make referrals to vendors, and conduct joint consultation visits with SCO personnel.
  5. Develop a care plan based on assessment, consultation with intake team, and other professionals.
  6. Maintain current information relating to each case.
  7. Meet with SCO team as needed to review cases and to formulate resolutions to problems.
  8. Complete changes in the service plan for providers
  1. Bachelor degree in human services, social work, nursing or related field.
2. Experience working with the elderly and/or experience working in a
community service setting is preferred.
3. Ability to utilize interpersonal skills in relating sensitively to the concerns
affecting the elderly individual and their population as a whole.
4. Ability to observe and report objectively in both a verbal and written
5. Excellent communication skills.
6. Intermediate computer and word processing skills highly desirable.

How to apply

Submit resume and cover letter via mail, fax or email.
Attn: Human Resources Director
555 Amory Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Fax: 617-524-2899

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