Economic Opportunities FundJob Title : International Consultant, Sustainable Aquaculture DevelopmentDuty Station: : Sana'a, Republic of Yemen with travel to provincial towns
(In-country travel subject to standard security clearance procedures)Duration : 4 months Type of Contract : Consultancy contract Starting Date : July 2014 Languages required : English Nationality : International
(In-country travel subject to standard security clearance procedures)Duration : 4 months Type of Contract : Consultancy contract Starting Date : July 2014 Languages required : English Nationality : International
1. Background:
The Fisheries Investment Project (FIP) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) focusing on sustainable resource management and value chain upgrading in Yemen, is managed by the Economic Opportunities Fund (EOF). The EOF is established under the Government of Yemen's Economic Opportunities Programme (EOP) through Presidential Decree No. 183/2010 dated 25 September 2010, as a public-private partnership. The EOF is working to improve the economic status of poor women and men in rural areas, with the objective of creating economic opportunities, and in the fisheries sector, additionally through improved linkages of fishers' organizations with markets and services.
In line with the above, the FIP aims to improve the economic status of small fisher households and create sustainable economic opportunities for fishers (men and women). The project consists of two investment components: Sustainable Resource Management and Value Chain Development.
One of the main objectives of the project is to develop the aquaculture sector in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, with due consideration for the equitable participation of the coastal communities. The FIP is assisting the Ministry of Fish Wealth (MFW) to develop a strategy for the aquaculture sector and to implement it, in designated locations along the Yemen coast. The strategy and supporting legislation and regulations will be formulated within existing national laws covering environment, land leasing and investment.
The aim of this consultancy is support the MFW to review Yemen's existing aquaculture strategic, legislative and regulatory framework and to develop a comprehensive national aquaculture strategy, and recommendations for the required supporting improvements to the legislative, regulatory and development frameworks.
2. Supervision and reporting:
The consultant expert will work under the overall supervision of the Executive Director of the EOF and in close collaboration with the Ministry of Fish Wealth and its agencies (Aquaculture Research Centre). Specifically, the expert will work under the direct supervision of the Team Leader (Fisheries Law), and work with the EOF's Fisheries Value Chain Manager, PCU Coordinator (at MFW), Aquaculture Specialist, and the counterparts assigned.
Reports on the progress of work are to be presented to the Team Leader (Fisheries Law), the Fisheries Value Chain Manager, and the Executive Director of the EOF.
3. Duties and Responsibilities:
Within the framework described above, the consultant expert will carry out the following tasks:
- Review literature of relevance to Yemeni aquaculture;
- Review existing Yemeni legislation of relevance to aquaculture, and develop a comprehensive aquaculture legislative and regulatory framework;
- Draft and assist the development of a sustainable aquaculture strategy for Yemen including through a series of meetings with key stakeholders, and covering:
a. Post-harvest & marketing, with a focus on maximizing profits in the value chain while at the same time maximizing the benefits to society and minimizing adverse effects on the natural environment;
b. Promotion of investment in aquaculture, in line with existing legislation and appropriate to the Yemeni context, including to the needs, aspirations and constraints of the private sector;
c. Identification of candidate species for aquaculture (e.g. bivalves, seaweed, sea cucumber) and preliminary feasibility assessment of each;
d. Evaluation of candidate non-native species, including an assessment of the advantages and risks of importing each for aquaculture in Yemen and identification of those species that have the highest potential for improving poor fisher livelihood while presenting an acceptably low level of environmental and social risk;
e. Identification of human capacity development needs in government and the private sector regarding aquaculture planning, management and the technical aspects of production, and preparation of a strategy to address them;
f. Design of an aquatic animal health component and training strategy for Yemeni stakeholders;
g. Design of a biosecurity framework to ensure the protection and sustainability of Yemen's natural resources;
h. Data sharing and management, including ensuring effective communication between producers and other stakeholders, both within and outside the supply chain and the development of a database/registration system for Yemeni aquaculture;
i. Maximizing the aquaculture sector's contribution to meeting Yemen's socio-economic development targets;
- . Assist the Team Leader in the development of the new fisheries legal framework including liaison with the main stakeholders and drafting of the aquaculture components of the new Fisheries Law in support of the implementation of the strategy developed under item 3.
- Draft a plan for the development of sustainable aquaculture research that addresses the needs of the private sector. Through an iterative process discuss the plan for research development with the Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC) and private sector stakeholders;
- Undertake a through survey to identify the potential locations for aquaculture development in Yemen and prepare a GIS-based mapping of the same;
- Identify regional and international institutions and organizations for collaboration to promote the establishment of sustainable aquaculture businesses in Yemen and develop a detailed framework of actions;
- Assist the MFW to develop a national awareness campaign for the new aquaculture strategy and frameworks;
- Design and develop a series of appropriate training courses on aquaculture and provide follow-up support to trainees; and
- Provide expert advice on aquaculture issues as needed.
4. Qualifications:
a) Masters degree in a relevant field (aquaculture and/or fisheries) or a closely related field with a relevant combination of academic and professional qualifications.
b) A minimum of 10 years of relevant working experience in the sector including 3 year's experience working with public and private sector high-level stakeholders on the development of aquaculture strategies, policies and legislation. Clear understanding and thorough knowledge of the aquaculture certification and international food safety system
c) Working experience in the region, and/or in the similar contexts of developing/least developed countries is an advantage:
d) Full Working knowledge of English, including excellent drafting and presentation skills. Working knowledge of Arabic will be an asset.
e) Excellent computer skills, including full working knowledge of standard word processing, spreadsheet and presentation packages.
5. Payment terms and conditions:
a) The payment includes consulting fee per day + DSA (perdiem) + international travel costs.
b) The consulting fee is calculated for no. of working days per month (22 days on average) excluding the weekends as per the Government of Yemen's (GoY) working calendar (Friday and Saturday are the weekend days). The consulting fee is subjected to GoY taxes (15%).
c) The consulting fee is paid in phases based on the clear deliverables as will be outlined during the negotiations after the successful selection of the candidate.
d) The DSA is paid monthly in advance (and for the first month upon the arrival of consultant in the country).
e) While the international travel cost (flight) will be based on the actuals against the submission of the invoice; the in-country travel will be provided by the EOF.
6. Application Process:
a) Interested qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the above mentioned consultancy by sending the detailed CV along with the cover letter clearly mentioning (i) the position in the email/letter subject line, AND (ii) the expected daily consulting fee rate to the following email address:
b) Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next stage of the selection process.
c) The deadline for the application is 20.06.2014.
EOF is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates and people with disabilities, and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with strictest confidence.
How to apply:
*Application Process:**
a) Interested qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the above mentioned consultancy by sending the detailed CV along with the cover letter clearly mentioning (i) the position in the email/letter subject line, AND (ii) the expected daily consulting fee rate to the following email address:
b) Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next stage of the selection process.
c) The deadline for the application is 20.06.2014.
EOF is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified female candidates and people with disabilities, and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with strictest confidence.
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