Thursday, October 25, 2012

CSO Advocacy Mentoring Consultancy FANIKISHA program

Pact is an International NGO with an office in Kenya among several other offices across the world, which enables systematic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a diginified living, be healthy and take part in the benefits that nature provides. 

Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems and transforming markets into a force for development.

The FANIKISHA is a 5-year Institutional Strengthening Project funded by USAID and jointly implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Pact, Danya International and Regional AIDS Training Network. 

The project seeks to strengthen the technical and institutional capacity of national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kenya to enable them to be responsive to the health sector needs and well being of Kenyans. 

This project will also strengthen the national Level Kenyan NGOs, CSOs and / or CSO networks to provide national level advocacy for inclusion of CSOs in policy making and strategy development for increased health service delivery to the communities. For more details about the program, kindly visit:

Purpose of the position

Pact as one of the implementing partners is seeking to engage a part-time CSO Advocacy Mentoring consultant who will work closely with Advocacy Technical Advisor and in reference to the program's advocacy strategy, whose main objective entails increasing the institutional capacity for advocacy among CSOs receiving FAN IKISHA grants and their affiliates, to provide support and mentorship of the partners between the period of 2012-2013 project year.
Key tasks will include:
  • Support CSOs in developing their institutional advocacy strategies
  • Mentor CSOs in advocacy based on capacity needs
  • Guide CSOs on networking and alliance building
  • Participate in FAN IKISHA review and update meetings
  • Document advocacy, networking and alliance building experiences
Application process:

We encourage those intersted in this position to download the full terms of reference from the following website: and thereafter submit their appLications to the attention of the Human Resources office in Kenya via the following email address: indicating clearly in the subject field: FANIKISHA Advocacy Consultant. 

The deadline for submission is mid-night, Wednesday 7th November 2012.

 Applications will be reviewed as they are received. H

owever, applications submitted after the stipulated date will not be considered and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Pact is a fair and equal opportunity employer.

Pact offices • Umeme Plaza, first floor
Naivasha rd, off Ngong rd • Tel +254.53.800.1803/6
P.O Box 35081-00100 Nairobi, Kenya •

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