Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Corporate Service Expert

No: 005/S/1314/MINIRENA
The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has received funds from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to support the Strengthening of the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA) for the period 2014-2018, so it can effectively deliver on its mandate of effectively coordinating, formulating policy and providing guidance on policy implementation to the Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) sector. The ENR sector is complex, encompassing a variety of natural resources components (water, lands, forests, nature reserves and biodiversity, mines and wetlands) and the environment, which cut across all sectors, and is linked in a complex way to other sectors (agriculture, energy, tourism, housing, health, macroeconomic management, gender and social development, etc)
The programme will improve operational management processes for better service delivery and enhance knowledge, experience and know-how across the technical and corporate services within the Ministry.
It's against that background that the Ministry of Natural Resources seeks to recruit one International Corporate Service Expert   for a period of one year renewable
This position is open to capable Rwandans and internationally qualified candidates.
The Corporate Service Expert shall Work closely with the Administrative, Financial and Human Resources staff in MINIRENA. S/he will work within MINIRENA's operating framework to undertake but not limited to the following tasks:
·      Review and assess needs of the organisational policies, procedures and internal management systems including procurement, human resources, financial management and logistics
·      Develop the human Resources and procurement procedures and systems
·      Upgrade the financial management procedures and systems
·      Link the budgeting process to planning processes and improve annual and multi-year planning and budgeting processes,
·      Enhance budget monitoring and improve the effective management of cash transfers, expenditures and acquittals standards operating procedures, manuals and tools,
·      Upgrade the human resources management system to provide clarity on roles and responsibilities, ensure job descriptions are results-oriented, disciplinary procedures are appropriate and effective, health and safety standards are appropriate and adhered to Standard Operating Procedures, manuals and tools
·      Ensure new policies and procedures are communicated to staff through awareness and training seminars,
·      Establish an induction programme for new staff,
·      Develop the management skills; promote supportive and empowering styles of management, situational leadership and coaching skills.
·      Ensure administrative, Finance and Human Resources departments are working efficiently and cost-effectively performance management plan is developed. The plan will cascade from the strategic objectives and performance targets of the Ministry to strengthen delivery of results and management oversight.
·      Develop mechanisms to ensure individual performance plans are measured and evaluated against business priorities and core competencies defined in the change management process.
·      Develop a culture of feedback through regular, informal line manager check-ins with staff. Norms and expectations will be agreed within service delivery teams.
·      Develop a procedures and mechanisms to actively address areas of conflict and under-performance
·      Ensure team building and inter-unit collaboration to enable the success of work teams and teamwork.
Qualification and Experiences
·      Master's degree or Ph.D Business Administration or Public Administration or other related areas specialising in  Human Resource Management and Finance with practical  skills in procurement.
·      A(10) years work experience in Finance, Human Resources, Information Communication Technology and Procurement
MINIRENA now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services:
  • Curriculum vitae, description of similar assignments, experience in similar work, etc.)
  • Technical Proposal (methodology and work plan) and Financial Proposal in separate envelopes
An Individual Consultant will be selected under Selection Based on Consultants Qualifications (SBCQ)and oral interviews in accordance with the law on Public Procurement. The selected consultant will be invited for negotiations.
Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours: 07h30 to 14h30. Expression of interest should be sent to the address below by 10th June 2014 at 9h30.
Attn:     The Permanent Secretary
            Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA)
            P. O. Box 3502 Kigali, Rwanda
           Tel: (250)- 0252 582628
           Fax: (250)-0252 582629
            Email: info@minirena.gov.rw

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