Friday, October 12, 2012


Head of Internal Audit 

Requirements : (i) Holder a Masters Degree/Postgraduate qualifications in either Business Administration, Accounting or Finance; (ii) Internationally recognized professional accountancy qualification such as ACCA, 10 CIPFA or CPA (T); (iii) Minimum of 8 years post qualification practical audit experience, of which 4 must be in senior level in a recognized audit firm or reputable financial institution; (iv) Leadership, motivation and people management skills; (v) Team player with strong interpersonal skills; and (vi) Computer auditing skills.
Job Description :(i) Plan, budget and schedule audit operations; (ii) Prepare and update the internal audit manual, audit policies, procedures and systems; (iii) Review, appraise and report upon the soundness, adequacy and application of financial and other management controls; (iv) Conduct special audits and investigations and present management audit reports to the Board; (v) Analyze data for evidence of deficiencies in control, duplication of effort, extravagance, fraud or lack of compliance with approved management policies, procedures, laws and government regulation; (vi) Ensure that audit reports and recommendations including those by the External Auditors and BOT Examiners are implemented; and (vii) Carry out other related duties as assigned by the Board from time to time
Apply To : The Permanent Secretary
Full Address : The Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam 
Email Applications:
Closing Date : 22/Oct/2012

Head of Corporate Planning and Policy


Requirements : (i) Holder of a Masters Degree/Postgraduate qualifications in one of the following fields: Business Administration, Finance, Economics or related discipline from recognized institution/university; (ii) At least 8 years working experience of which 4 must be in managerial level in related field; (iii) Significant experience in strategic planning/project management; (iv) Knowledge of data analysis; (v) Leadership, motivation and people management skills; (vi) Team player with strong interpersonal skills; and (vii) Computer literate.
Job Description :(i) Prepare policies and strategic plans and budgets for the bank; (ii) Prepare policies and guidelines on the formulation of plan and reporting of performance (iii) Co-ordinate development of the banks corporate plan and conduct periodic reviews of its implementation; 7 (iv) Co-ordinate preparation of plan performance reports for submission to management and recommend on performance improvement measures; (v) Co-ordinate development of performance management measurement standards Manage continuous business process improvement and coordinate the preparation of policies, procedures and operations manuals and be the custodian of them; (vi) Identify and assess resource needs (quality and quantity); (vii) Advice on the preparation of programs intended to facilitate business processes; (viii) Recommend organizational strategies and changes as may be considered necessary.
Apply To : The Permanent Secretary
Full Address : The Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam 
Email Applications:
Closing Date : 22/Oct/2012

Head of Legal Services/Board Secretary


Requirements : (i) Holder of a first Degree in Law (LLB) and a Masters degree or Postgraduate qualification in Law from recognized University or institution; (ii) Registered as an advocate in accordance with the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania, (iii) A minimum of 8 years experience in commercial or banking law and practice, 4 years of which should be in senior position in a related function at a reputable institution; (iv) Team player with strong interpersonal skills; and (v) Computer literate.
Job Description :(i) Co-ordinate matters pertaining to the administration of the Boards affairs, Board appointments, meetings and all related issues as required by law; (ii) Provide written or oral legal expertise/opinion to the Managing Director, various committees, Board of Directors and Departments; (iii) Prepare, execute and register all contracts and legal documents; (iv) Act as a solicitor, prepare documents for civil suits/litigation and advise on the retention of lawyers or conduct court cases for the bank; (v) Check all legal issues pertaining to loan applications before, during and after approval, to ensure the banks interests are safeguarded; (vi) Co-manage receiverships with the banks appointed Receivers/Managers in all 6 receiverships; and (vii) Carry out other related duties as may be assigned by the Managing Director from time to time.
Apply To : The Permanent Secretary
Full Address : The Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam
Email Applications:
Closing Date : 22/Oct/2012

Managing Director 

Requirements : (i) Holder of a Masters Degree or Postgraduate qualifications in one of the following fields; Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Accounting or related disciplines from recognized university or institution; (ii) Minimum of 15 years work experience; five years of which must be in senior management position in a banking industry or reputable finance institution; (iii) Knowledge and familiarity of Development Finance Institutions with a proven success record in the implementation of standard agricultural banking operations; (iv) Leadership, motivation and people management skills; (v) Customer oriented team player with strong interpersonal skills; and (vi) Must be computer literate.
Job Description :(i) Oversee effective and efficient implementation of the Banks short, medium and long term plans, and enforcement of relevant legislations, rules and regulations pertaining to a Development Financial Institution; (ii) Provide direction and leadership towards achievement of the Banks Vision, Mission, Objectives and Deliverables; (iii) Ensure that the bank consistently presents strong and positive image to stakeholders and the general public; (iv) Advise and inform the Board on progress made in implementing operational activities of the bank; (v) Oversee the design, promotion and delivery of quality products and services to the customers; (vi) Manage utilization of the banks resources within approved budget, guidelines, policies, laws and regulations; (vii) Establish, implement and enforce a robust bank-wide risk management framework and systems (policies, processes and tools) covering operational risk, market risk, credit risk and other risks; and (viii) Carry out other related duties as may be assigned by the Board from time to time.
Apply To : The Permanent Secretary
Full Address : The Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam 
Email Applications:
Closing Date : 22/Oct/2012


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