Friday, October 12, 2012

Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution Vacancies

The Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) is a Constitutional Commission established under Section 5 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution and Section 4 of the Commission of the Implementation of the Constitution Act, 2010.

The function of the Commission is to monitor, facilitate and oversee the development of legislation and administrative procedures required to implement the Constitution. 
The Commission's monitoring, facilitative and oversight roles involve scrutinizing the development and application of all policies, laws, systems and administrative procedures to ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
 In addition, Section 15(d) of the Sixth schedule requires CIC to monitor the implementation of the system of devolved government effectively.
The Commission is obligated, under Article 249 of the Constitution, to protect the sovereignty of the people, secure the observance by all state organs of democratic values and principles; and promote constitutionalism.
In order to ensure that the Commission delivers on its mandate, CIC is seeking to recruit high caliber, results oriented and self-driven professionals to fill the following positions:

1. Human Resource Manager
Grade 3 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Director, Management Services, the Human Resource Manager will head the Human Resource function and will be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the Commission's human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Prepare and review human resource plan
  • Develop the training plan for the Commission
  • Implement human resource management policies
  • Facilitate the target-setting and annual performance appraisal/evaluation
  • Coordinate directorate annual and quarterly work plans and ensure the Commission is in compliance with all Government regulations including legal and statutory requirements
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Masters degree from a recognized university with an emphasis in Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Public Administration or other related field
  • Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from a recognized university
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from a recognized institution
  • Have worked in the human resource management profession or administration for a minimum period of ten (10) years, in the Public Service or Public Sector
2. Head of Finance
Grade 3 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Director Management Services, the Head of Finance will be responsible for planning of finances in the Commission; keeping records on the same; ensuring that financial reports are done effectively and efficiently for implementation of priorities and attainment of objectives; and management of any financial risks that occur in the Commission.

Core Duties and Responsibilities
  • Planning, coordinating, designing, implementation and control of financial systems
  • Developing improved budgetary practices and systems
  • Prioritizing activities, projects, and programmes within the Commission
  • Implementing a financial audit on a continuous basis for purposes of monitoring the Commission's financial performance
  • Monitoring the level of adherence to a set budget through checking the purchase of budgetary items
  • Preparation of Budgets and timely and accurate financial records
  • Overseeing the preparation of accurate, timely, and regular financial statements for the Commission
  • Ensuring the Commission complies with all audits, accounting and reporting requirements as set by its mandate
  • Preparing, supervising, and presenting feasibility studies, financial plans, annual budgets and other financial or business documents to the commissioners when required
  • Alerting the Commission of financial irregularities, non-compliance, nonadherence, and other financial concerns that relate to the Commission
Applicants must meet the following requirements
  • Must have served for a minimum ten (10) years, three (3) of which must have been at a senior level in the Public Service/ Private Sector/International Organization
  • A Master's degree in Finance, Accounts, Economics, or related field
  • Bachelor's Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option) or Bachelor of Arts in Economics or Bachelor of Business Administration/Management or any other comparable qualification from a recognized institution and passed Part III of the Certified Public Accountants of Kenya [CPA(K)] examination
  • Member of ICPAK
3. Head of Accounts
Grade 3 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Director Management Services, the Head of Accounts will be responsible for the accounting activities of the Commission and for administering the financial systems, and approval of expenditure for the Commission.

Core Duties and Responsibilities
  • Monitor all expenses and budgets within the Commission to comply with the financial policies and procedures
  • Planning, coordinating, designing, implementation and control of Accounting systems
  • Approve Invoices
  • In charge of the chart of accounts.
  • Overseeing the preparation of accurate, timely, and regular Accounting reports for the Commission
  • Ensuring timely reconciliations
  • Regulating, supervising, and implementing accurate accounting books in good time.
Applicants must meet the following requirements
  • Must have served for a minimum ten (10) years, three (3) of which must have been at a senior level in the Public Service/ Private Sector/ International Organization
  • A Master's degree in Finance, Accounts, Economics, or related field
  • Bachelor's Degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance option) or Bachelor of Arts in Economics or Bachelor of Business Administration/Management or any other comparable qualification from a recognized institution and passed Part III of the Certified Public Accountants of Kenya [CPA(K)] examination
  • Member of ICPAK
  • Be proficient in Accounts based computer applications
  • Be familiar with accounts principles and procedures in the public sector
  • Have demonstrable professional competence in accounts work
4. Senior Human Resource Officer 
Grade 4 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Human Resource Manager, the Senior Human Resource Officer will be responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating human resource management activities of the Commission to maximize the strategic use of human resources and maintain functions such as employee compensation, recruitment, personnel policies, and regulatory compliance.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Implement human resource management matters within established policies in the Commission
  • Facilitate recruitments, appointment, discipline and communication of decisions
  • Maintain up to date human resource information systems
  • Process salaries, gratuity and benefits and update staff medical scheme
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management, Business Administration or other related field from a recognized university
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Have served in Human Resource Management Services for at least five (5) years, in the Public Service or Private Sector
5. Senior Library and Documentation Officer 
Grade 4 
(1 Position)
The Senior Library and Documentation Officer will be responsible for the Commission's library and documentation services.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Index and abstract journal articles
  • Operate a Current Awareness Service (CAS)
  • Conduct information searches from electronic databases
  • Select and obtain information of staff work plans and assist in documentation of work
  • Follow up on loan defaulters
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Library Studies of Information Science or other related field from a recognized institution
  • Have at least seven (7) years working experience in a medium sized library
  • Have demonstrated a high degree of professional competence in library services work
6. Senior Records Management Officer
Grade 4
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Director Management Service, the Senior Records Management Officer will be in charge of registry services.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Security of information, documentation, files and office equipment
  • Ensure documents are carefully handled and file covers well maintained
  • Initiate appraisal and disposal of files/documents in liaison with National Archives and Documentation Services
  • Ensure pending correspondence and bring-ups are checked and appropriate action taken; mail are received, sorted, opened and dispatched and related registers are maintained
  • Ensure that mails are received, sorted, opened and dispatched and related registers are maintained
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Records Management or other relevant field from a recognized university
  • At least ten (10) years' experience in a large registry
  • Have demonstrated outstanding professional competence in records management work as reflected in work performance and results
7. Senior Hansard Officer
Grade 4 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Media and Communications Manager, the Senior Hansard Officer will be responsible for editing transcribed records from the proceedings of Commissions sittings and hearings drawn from audio tapes to word processed manuscripts.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Programming for all Hansard Services at the Commission
  • Plan and facilitate in liaison with Hansard staff the timely and accurate production of transcripts
  • Organize transcribers/ recorders into relevant groups during recordings inside and outside the secretariat
  • Record preliminary hearings and other relevant proceedings as may be determined by the commission
  • Merge transcripts with the view of producing a complete report
  • Proof read edited copies on the reports
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Secretarial Studies or Information Communication Technology or any other discipline related to Hansard work/services
  • Be trained in Hansard services
  • Have worked for a minimum period of seven (7) years in Hansard or related services
  • Have technical knowledge of the English language and have ability to correctly interpret messages
8. Senior Media and Communications Officer 
Grade 4 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Manager, Media and Communication, the Senior Media and Communications officer will be responsible for creating comprehensive media strategies, for developing and maintaining the organizational brand; and providing professional assistance to the Commission in all areas of Communication and media relations.
Core Duties and Responsibilities
  • Developing specific media strategies around the Commissions activities and programs
  • Fielding incoming media inquiries and assembling relevant background materials
  • Producing talking points and statements for dissemination to media and public
  • Managing the production of all external materials and publications; overseeing content for newsletters, Web site, and social media;
  • Writing, distributing, and following up on press releases and event calendar listings
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations/ Corporate Communications/Journalism/ Mass Communication or any other relevant qualifications from a recognized institution
  • Master's Degree in Communications, Advertising, Public Relations or any other related field is an added advantage
  • Have served in the field of media and Communications or relevant position for at least seven (7) years.
  • Be familiar with both local and international Media
  • Have a clear understanding of the Mandate of CIC and the role of Corporate Communications in the achievement of the same
9. Human Resource Officer
Grade 5 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Human Resource Manager, the Human Resource Officer will be responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating human resource management activities of the Commission to maximize the strategic use of human resources and maintain functions such as employee compensation, recruitment, personnel policies, and regulatory compliance.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Analyze staffing levels and making proposals for succession planning
  • Analyze utilization of human resources and advising on proper deployment
  • Analyze staff progression and make proposals for career development
  • Ensure the correct interpretation and implementation of human resource regulations including those relating to pension, salary administration, labour laws and other statutes relating to human resource management
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management, Business Administration or a relevant field from a recognized university
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management from a recognized institution
  • Have served in Human Resource Management Services for at least three (3) years
10. Library and Documentation Officer
Grade 5 
(1 Position)
The Library and Documentation Officer will report to the Senior Library and Documentation Officer and will be responsible for the Commission's library and documentation services.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Select and obtain information in consultation with other professionals and researchers
  • Index and abstract journal articles; operate a Current Awareness Services (CAS)
  • Conduct information searches from electronic databases; follow-up of loan defaulters
  • Co-ordinate of staff work plans; and assist with documentation work
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Library Studies or Information Science or other related filed from a recognized university
  • Have at least five (5) years working experience in a medium sized library
  • Diploma in library Studies or Information Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
  • Have demonstrated a high degree of professional competence in library and documentation work
11. Media and Communication Officer
Grade 5 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Media and Communication Manager, the Media and Communication Officer will be responsible for providing media services to the Commission.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Prepare and organize forums where the Commission's policies, programs and projects can be propagated and promoted
  • Read articles in the media pertaining the Commission and make appropriate recommendations
  • Prepare media supplements and documentaries, press releases/media features.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Journalism, Communications, Public Relations or other related field from a recognized university
  • Have served in the field of Media and Communications or a relevant position for at least Four (4) years.
12. Accounts Officer
(2 Positions)
Reporting to the Head of Accounts, the Accounts Officers will be responsible for verification of vouchers and committal documents in accordance with laid down rules and regulations, data capture, and maintenance of primary records.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Maintenance of primary records such as cashbooks, ledgers, vote books, registers and preparation of management reports such as imprest and expenditure returns
  • The officer may also be deployed as a cashier where duties will entail receiving duly processed payment and receipt vouchers
  • Writing cheques and posting payments and receipt vouchers in the cash books and balancing of the cash books on a daily basis
  • Extracting and providing cash liquidity analysis
  • Ensuring security of cheques and cheque books
  • Paying personal and merchant claims guided by cash balances in the cash books and Treasury regulations
  • Receipting of all money due and payable to Government
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Have served in the accounting profession for a minimum period of five (5) years in the Public or Private Sector
  • Have a Bachelor's degree in Commerce (Accounting or Finance Option) and passed Part III of the Certified Public Accountants of Kenya [CPA(K)] Examination.
  • Passed Certified Public Accountants of Kenya [CPA(K)] Examination or its approved equivalent qualification
  • Be proficient in accounts based computer applications
  • Be familiar with accounts principles and procedures in the Public Sector
  • Have demonstrable professional competence in accounts work
13. Supply Chain Management Officer 
Grade 5 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Supply Chain Manager, the Supply Chain Management Officer will be responsible for all supplies chain management work at the Commission.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Plan and coordinate Supply Chain Management activities in areas of procurement
  • Warehousing
  • Fleet management
  • Prepare procurement plans
  • Inventory and stock control
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelors' Degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Economics, Procurement and Supplies Management, Marketing, or other related field from a recognized university
  • Have served in supplies management profession for a minimum period of five (5) years
  • Have demonstrated outstanding professional competence in supply chain management work
  • Have undertaken a management course
14. Hansard Officer
Grade 5 
(2 Positions)
The Hansard Officer will report to the Senior Hansard Officer and will be responsible for editing transcribed records from the proceedings of Commissions sittings and hearings drawn from audio tapes to word processed manuscripts.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Prepare accurate edited drafts and ensure that the edited documents are in tandem with the first draft manuscripts
  • Maintain consistent and accurate Hansard format in accordance with Hansard style guide and other reference manuals
  • Establish and maintain accurate indexing in the final transcripts and reports
  • Prepare and maintain database for the production of the official reports and PDF file
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in secretarial services or Information Communication Technology or any other discipline related to Hansard services OR Diploma/Higher Diploma in Secretarial Studies or Information Communication Technology from the Kenya National Examination Council or any other discipline related to Hansard services or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
  • Have five (5) years' experience in Hansard or related work
  • Have excellent writing, typing and editorial skills and adequate knowledge of the Hansard style guide
  • Be fluent in English an Kiswahili and able to communicate and type fast in both languages
15. ICT Officer
Grade 6 
(1 Position)
Reporting to the Head of ICT, the ICT Officer will be in charge of managing ICT infrastructure.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Implement, analyze, design, code and test computer programs
  • Receive, install and certify Information Communication Technology equipment
  • Configure new Information Communication Technology equipment
  • Repair and maintain Information Communication Technology equipment and associated peripherals
  • Provide user support, maintain support systems and train users Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Economics, Statistics, Commerce, Physics or any other ICT related discipline with a bias in Information Communication Technology from a recognized institution
  • At least three (3) years' experience in a similar position
16. Receptionist/ Telephone Operator 
Grade 6 
(1 Position)
The Receptionist/Telephone Operator will report to the Chief Human Resource Officer and will be in charge of all reception and telephone services at the Commission.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Handle enquiries and direct visitors to the appropriate officers
  • Handle telephone operation work which involves making and receiving calls
  • Routine testing of the switchboard facility
  • Compile telephone traffic data and advice as appropriate and handle any other work related to reception and telephone services
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Certificate in Telephone Operations
  • Certificate in Public Relations/ Customer Care from a recognized institution
  • Have worked for a minimum period of four (4) years in a similar position in a busy organization in the Public Service or Private Sector
  • Have demonstrated outstanding professional competence in telephone operation/reception work
17. Driver 
Grade 7 
(8 Positions)
The Driver will report to the Human Resource Officer and will be responsible for transporting officers and goods and ensuring vehicle maintenance.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Detect and report malfunctioning of vehicle systems
  • Maintenance of work tickets for vehicle(s) assigned
  • Ensure security and safety of the vehicle on and off the road
  • Oversee safety of the passengers and or goods therein
  • Maintain cleanliness of the vehicle
  • Assist with other office work from time to time
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D (plain) or its approved equivalent
  • A valid driving license free from any current endorsement(s) for class of vehicle(s) the officer is required to drive
  • Have served as a driver for a minimum of two (2) years
  • Passed Occupational Trade Test II for Drivers
18. Clerical Officer
(3 Positions)
The Clerical Officer will handle complex clerical tasks of diverse nature, and may be deployed in any a section of the Commission.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Coordinate clerical work in a section
  • Maintain general for issue of planning of office accommodation and layout
  • Process documents for issue of license or certificate under relevant Acts
  • Induct new Clerical Officers, supervise and guide staff working under him/her
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Certificate in Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Kenya Accounts Technician Certificate (KATC), Kenya Administration and Management Examination (KAME) or any other approved equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT) Certificate and be proficient in Word Processors, Spread Sheets, Presentation and Database
  • Have demonstrated professional competence in clerical work as reflected in work performance and results
  • Possess records management skills
19. Receptionist/ Telephone Operator 
Grade 7 
(1 Position)
The Receptionist/Telephone Operator will report to the Senior Receptionist/Telephone Operator.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Handle enquiries and direct visitors
  • Assist supervision with presentation materials, prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously and follow through on issues in a timely manner
  • Coordinate travel schedules and reservations arrangements with Management services
  • Record dictation in shorthand and transcribe it in typewritten form; typing from drafts, manuscripts or recording from dictation machines
  • Communicate and handle incoming and outgoing electronic communication on behalf of the supervisors
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Bachelors' degree in Secretarial Studies, Business or Office Management or other related field from a recognized university
  • Diploma/Higher Diploma in Secretarial Studies from Kenya National Examinations Council or equivalent from a recognized institution
  • Have the following qualifications from the Kenya National Examinations Council: - Shorthand III (100 w.p.m.), Typewriting III (50 w.p.m.)/ Computerized, Document Processing III, Office Management III/Office Administration and Management III, Secretarial Duties, Office Practice II and Commerce II
  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education mean grade C-(minus) with at least C(plain) in English language or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
  • Have worked in the secretarial function for a minimum period of seven (7) years, two (2) of which should have been in a busy office in the Public Service or Private Sector
  • Proven experience in scheduling travel arrangements for management
  • Proven experience in coordinating and supporting executive functions
  • Certificate in Computer Applications (Windows, MS-Word, MS-Excel, and Internet) from a recognized institution
20. Office Assistant 
Grade 8 
(4 Positions)
Reporting to the Senior HR and Administration Officer, the Office Assistant will be deployed to specific areas of operations.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
  • General office cleanliness
  • Dispatch mails and files
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) C+ or its equivalent qualification
The above positions are extremely exciting and CIC will offer competitive packages for the right candidates. 
Each applicant must: -
  • Meet the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution
  • Have an understanding of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010
  • Not be active in any political party
  • Have utmost personal integrity
  • Be results-oriented and have the ability to effectively deliver quality work under very tight deadlines
  • Be able to work long hours under demanding circumstances with minimal supervision
  • Have computer proficiency in packages for application in area of specialization and general IT knowhow in the use of office application packages
  • Have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Willing to selflessly and impartially serve the people of Kenya under the new dispensation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010
  • Have work ethic that is informed by the national values and principles of Article 10 of the Constitution and apply a human rights based approach.
CIC is committed to respect the national values and principles and, the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, with respect to recruitment of staff. CIC is further committed to implementing affirmative action measures and to this end encourages women, minorities and persons from historically marginalized areas and groups with the requisite qualifications to apply for the advertised jobs.
Detailed job profiles and reference numbers can be accessed at
If your career aspirations match the requirements of these exciting opportunities, please write in confidence quoting the job title on both the cover letter and envelope, before 26th October 2012. 
Enclose your Curriculum Vitae containing an e-mail address, daytime telephone contact, qualifications, experience, copies of academic and professional qualifications and of ID/Passport, details on present position held, current remuneration, names and addresses of three referees and send by email, post or hand delivered to:
The Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer
Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution
Parklands Plaza, Muthithi Road and Chiromo Lane Junction
P.O. Box 48041-00100, Nairobi

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