Monday, October 3, 2011

Jobs & Fellowships

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 Jobs & Fellowships
Gerne machen wir Sie auf die folgenden Stellenausschreibungen aufmerksam / We would like to direct your attention to the following job offers:

Lecturer in Anthropology of Development

School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh

Applications are invited for a Lectureship in the Anthropology of Development.

This full-time, open-ended position is available from 1 January 2012, subject to negotiation.

We seek an outstanding candidate who will further the international reputation of the Social Anthropology subject area. The successful candidate will have a research profile at the forefront of the Anthropology of Development, preferably in an area that connects with our growing inter-disciplinary portfolio of teaching, research and engagement in the field of social development. The panel will look for evidence of future publication and research funding potential, in addition to the candidate's track record. He or she will also demonstrate achievement and potential in teaching, and a strong commitment to the collective good of the subject area.

The successful appointee will be expected to take a leading role in the development of a growing portfolio of programmes in both Anthropology and Development, including the MSc in International Development (launched in 2011) and the proposed new MSc in the Anthropology of Development (scheduled to launch in 2012).

It is available on an open-ended basis from 1 January 2012 although the actual start date is subject to negotiation between the successful candidate and the School.

The successful candidate will have an outstanding profile and will be at the forefront of the field.  We will be looking for a combination of experience and potential in both research and teaching. Their profile will also include

- A PhD (completion by start date essential except in exceptional cases) and experience as an established academic at Post-Doctoral level or above (desirable)
- Ability to attract research funding as an independent researcher
- A track record of first author and/or collaborative publications in high quality journals and other outlets
- Commitment to (and evidence of or clear potential to deliver) excellence in teaching, and ability to develop both individual courses and degree programmes in the Anthropology of Development
- Clear ability to contribute to the supervision of postgraduate research students

Application Procedure

We encourage all applicants to apply online at You will receive email confirmation of safe receipt of your application. The online system allows you to submit your CV and letter of application as attachments.

Your CV or letter of application should include the names and addresses (including email addresses) of three referees who can be approached in advance of interview.

To complete the application process, in addition to your CV and letter of application, you need to complete the (i) Application Form, (ii) Equality & Diversity Monitoring Form, and (iv) Rehabilitation of Offenders Form.

If you do not have access to a computer, you can call the University's recruitment line on 0131 650 2511 for an application pack. This will be posted out to you for you to complete and return.  If using this method, please return your completed application materials, including six copies of the letter of application and CV, to

Ms Katie Teague
School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Chrystal Macmillan Building
15a George Square
Edinburgh  EH8 9LD

Applications must be submitted no later than the closing date of 17 October 2011. Please quote the Post Reference number [3014871]. We cannot guarantee to consider late applications.

It is expected that interviews for the posts will be held on Thursday 10th November 2011. The interviews will be preceded by presentations by the interviewed candidates attended by members of Social Anthropology and other constituents of the School. Details of the requirements for the presentation will be included in invitations to interview.

Informal enquiries may be made to the Head of Social Anthropology, Prof Jonathan Spencer (


Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor Comparative Politics

University of Cape Town

The Department of Political Studies is home to programmes in politics, international relations and public policy and administration.  The department attracts students from across the continent and boasts a lively and cosmopolitan postgraduate community.

We are looking for candidates with expertise in the field of Comparative Politics. Specific expertise in a broad range of methodology; political theory; the politics of the developing world; African politics; and South African politics would be an advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to convene, teach and supervise in the undergraduate major and postgraduate programme in Politics.


- For the level of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer:  a PhD (in the case of Lecturer have made significant progress towards completion) and a strong emerging research profile and experience in teaching appropriate to the rank applied for.
- For the level of Associate Professor/Professor: a record of excellence in publications as reflected in peer-reviewed articles and books; a record of academic leadership; a proven track record of postgraduate supervision; and a proven track record of excellence in both postgraduate and undergraduate teaching.
- For the level of Associate Professor/Professor:  will also be expected to serve as head of department when requested, a position requiring intellectual and managerial leadership, as well as experience in academic administration.

Application process:

To apply please e-mail the completed UCT Application form and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form, to Ms E Graham, Staff Recruitment and Selection, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700.

E-mail:; Telephone: +27 21 650 5405; Faculty website:

The application form can also be downloaded at

An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete.

Reference no: SR182/11                            

Closing date for applications: 14 October 2011


Cadbury Fellowship Scheme and Workshop

Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham

The Centre of West African Studies at the University of Birmingham ( invites applications for the 2012 Cadbury Fellowship Scheme, which, while taking note of the centenary year of the foundation of the African National Congress, will focus on issues in South Africanist research that resonate with African Studies more broadly.

Three visiting fellows from Africa will be appointed to participate in a ten-week schedule of seminars,  discussion groups, and other activities. One aim of the scheme is to assist new scholars to develop a research paper and bring it to publication, and the programme will culminate in an interdisciplinary workshop to be held at the University of Birmingham on 18-19 May 2012 at which the visiting fellows will present their papers alongside an international cast of both established and younger participants.

Fellowships will cover return air-fare, accommodation and living costs for a period of up to ten weeks. The deadline for applications for fellowships is 1 December 2011.


While we are willing to consider any interesting scholarly research proposal on any topic touching on the study of South Africa past and present, in any discipline or combination of disciplines, we shall be particularly receptive to applications that

- reflect originally, critically and comparatively on the languages, technologies and institutions of governance and opposition; or
- have a precolonial focus, and ask questions of South African history and historiography that scholars have posed in researching precolonial contexts elsewhere; or
- critically interrogate South African exceptionalism; or
- model new ways of looking at South Africa and other parts of Africa together; or
- consider South African diasporas in Africa, or African diasporas in South Africa; or
- explore the historical, political, ideological and cultural contradictions and possibilities of South Africans' relationship with pan-Africanism or other supranational identities or creeds; or
- respond to recent representations of South African society in film, theatre, fiction or poetry.

We are not interested in investigations that are purely or primarily theoretical or speculative; proposals should refer to relevant fieldwork or documentary or material evidence, and to specific examples or case studies.

Who is eligible for a Cadbury Fellowship?

We are looking for junior African scholars who have something to contribute to the theme(s), and whose research would benefit from a residential fellowship of ten weeks at the University of Birmingham. They should be in the early stages of their academic careers and based in an institution on the African continent. They should have a PhD or be close to completing one. It is intended that the Fellows will have time to use the University's excellent library resources, discuss their work with academic staff and research students at CWAS, and contribute to the intellectual life of the department by participating in academic and cultural events here.

How to apply for a Cadbury Fellowship

Fellowships will cover return air-fare, and accommodation and living costs for a period of ten weeks. If you would like to be considered for the 2012 scheme, please:
(1) let us know how you learned about this programme;
(2) ensure that you can get away for ten weeks from mid-March to late-May 2012;
(3) send a research project description in English of not more than 1,000 words on the theme, showing what research you have already done and what you would work on during the fellowship;
(4) send a short c.v. (not more than 3 pages) and the names of two referees.

Deadline: 1 December 2011

Applications can be sent by e-mail to or by airmail to David Kerr, Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England.

weitergeleitet durch / forwarded by:

Centre for African Studies Basel
Coordination Office
Steinengraben 5
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 267 34 82

ursula scheidegger
department of political studies
university of the witwatersrand
south africa
011 717 4369
083 726 1642

George Square
Edinburgh  EH8 9LD

Applications must be submitted no later than the closing date of 17 October 2011. Please quote the Post Reference number [3014871]. We cannot guarantee to consider late applications.

It is expected that interviews for the posts will be held on Thursday 10th November 2011. The interviews will be preceded by presentations by the interviewed candidates attended by members of Social Anthropology and other constituents of the School. Details of the requirements for the presentation will be included in invitations to interview.

Informal enquiries may be made to the Head of Social Anthropology, Prof Jonathan Spencer (


Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor Comparative Politics

University of Cape Town

The Department of Political Studies is home to programmes in politics, international relations and public policy and administration.  The department attracts students from across the continent and boasts a lively and cosmopolitan postgraduate community.

We are looking for candidates with expertise in the field of Comparative Politics. Specific expertise in a broad range of methodology; political theory; the politics of the developing world; African politics; and South African politics would be an advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to convene, teach and supervise in the undergraduate major and postgraduate programme in Politics.


- For the level of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer:  a PhD (in the case of Lecturer have made significant progress towards completion) and a strong emerging research profile and experience in teaching appropriate to the rank applied for.
- For the level of Associate Professor/Professor: a record of excellence in publications as reflected in peer-reviewed articles and books; a record of academic leadership; a proven track record of postgraduate supervision; and a proven track record of excellence in both postgraduate and undergraduate teaching.
- For the level of Associate Professor/Professor:  will also be expected to serve as head of department when requested, a position requiring intellectual and managerial leadership, as well as experience in academic administration.

Application process:

To apply please e-mail the completed UCT Application form and all other relevant documentation as indicated on the form, to Ms E Graham, Staff Recruitment and Selection, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700.

E-mail:; Telephone: +27 21 650 5405; Faculty website:

The application form can also be downloaded at

An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete.

Reference no: SR182/11                            

Closing date for applications: 14 October 2011


Cadbury Fellowship Scheme and Workshop

Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham

The Centre of West African Studies at the University of Birmingham ( invites applications for the 2012 Cadbury Fellowship Scheme, which, while taking note of the centenary year of the foundation of the African National Congress, will focus on issues in South Africanist research that resonate with African Studies more broadly.

Three visiting fellows from Africa will be appointed to participate in a ten-week schedule of seminars,  discussion groups, and other activities. One aim of the scheme is to assist new scholars to develop a research paper and bring it to publication, and the programme will culminate in an interdisciplinary workshop to be held at the University of Birmingham on 18-19 May 2012 at which the visiting fellows will present their papers alongside an international cast of both established and younger participants.

Fellowships will cover return air-fare, accommodation and living costs for a period of up to ten weeks. The deadline for applications for fellowships is 1 December 2011.


While we are willing to consider any interesting scholarly research proposal on any topic touching on the study of South Africa past and present, in any discipline or combination of disciplines, we shall be particularly receptive to applications that

- reflect originally, critically and comparatively on the languages, technologies and institutions of governance and opposition; or
- have a precolonial focus, and ask questions of South African history and historiography that scholars have posed in researching precolonial contexts elsewhere; or
- critically interrogate South African exceptionalism; or
- model new ways of looking at South Africa and other parts of Africa together; or
- consider South African diasporas in Africa, or African diasporas in South Africa; or
- explore the historical, political, ideological and cultural contradictions and possibilities of South Africans' relationship with pan-Africanism or other supranational identities or creeds; or
- respond to recent representations of South African society in film, theatre, fiction or poetry.

We are not interested in investigations that are purely or primarily theoretical or speculative; proposals should refer to relevant fieldwork or documentary or material evidence, and to specific examples or case studies.

Who is eligible for a Cadbury Fellowship?

We are looking for junior African scholars who have something to contribute to the theme(s), and whose research would benefit from a residential fellowship of ten weeks at the University of Birmingham. They should be in the early stages of their academic careers and based in an institution on the African continent. They should have a PhD or be close to completing one. It is intended that the Fellows will have time to use the University's excellent library resources, discuss their work with academic staff and research students at CWAS, and contribute to the intellectual life of the department by participating in academic and cultural events here.

How to apply for a Cadbury Fellowship

Fellowships will cover return air-fare, and accommodation and living costs for a period of ten weeks. If you would like to be considered for the 2012 scheme, please:
(1) let us know how you learned about this programme;
(2) ensure that you can get away for ten weeks from mid-March to late-May 2012;
(3) send a research project description in English of not more than 1,000 words on the theme, showing what research you have already done and what you would work on during the fellowship;
(4) send a short c.v. (not more than 3 pages) and the names of two referees.

Deadline: 1 December 2011

Applications can be sent by e-mail to or by airmail to David Kerr, Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England.

weitergeleitet durch / forwarded by:

Centre for African Studies Basel
Coordination Office
Steinengraben 5
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 267 34 82

ursula scheidegger
department of political studies
university of the witwatersrand
south africa
011 717 4369
083 726 1642

Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England.

weitergeleitet durch / forwarded by:

Centre for African Studies Basel
Coordination Office
Steinengraben 5
CH-4051 Basel
Tel.: +41 (0)61 267 34 82

ursula scheidegger
department of political studies
university of the witwatersrand
south africa
011 717 4369
083 726 1642




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