Thursday, March 17, 2016


Location:        Arusha, Longido District
Duration:      12 months (renewable based on satisfactory performance/availability of funds)
Reporting to:             Coordinator

The goal of the position is to improve pastoralists ' access to livestock and meat markets through the expansion of traditional markets for live animal sales (including exports) as well as the opening of new opportunities for chilled meat and live animals in non-traditional markets. This should be achieved by enabling the existing livestock groups to access marketing & management services on an individual and collective basis in order for them to increase their income & be able to sustainably finance services provision via the facilitation of LCDO in the long term.

  • Liaise & coordinate as necessary with village, district and regional government levels to achieve the goal of the position
  • Liaise & coordinate as necessary with other actors (e.g. livestock buyers at all levels)
  • Meet with livestock groups in 8 villages of Longido district constituting the target area as necessary
  • Collect information on missing livestock marketing infrastructure (trekking and transport route
  • Undertake training needs assessment in the area of marketing, quality control, contract handling, collective marketing, organizational development, day to day and financial management of livestock groups
  • market research
    • Train groups as per needs analysis
    • Mobilise &train groups on market research, market linkages & market info systems
    • Undertake participatory market research with livestock groups on buyers & supply livestock and by products, amongst others
    • Troubleshoot ongoing participatory market research, surveying & agreement amongst groups on market linkage to be taken advantage of
    • Support independent research initiatives undertaken by the livestock management groups
    • Collaborate with programme partners on livestock and by products market and value chain research (e.g. support participatory research and surveying of red meat value chain)
    • Explore / identify opportunities within broader lower value market segment (market research & market linkage
    • Undertake other market research assignments
  • Market information services / systems
    • Train groups as per needs analysis
    • Undertake participatory design of livestock market information systems
    • Set up market information systems participatory considering factors such as body weight and age of the livestock
    • Facilitate livestock groups to access high quality market information systems and services
  • Market linkages
    • Train groups as per needs analysis
    • Identify livestock (by products) business opportunities for groups
    • Facilitate participatory identification of potential market linkages as well as approaching, meetings & exchanges with potential buyers
    • Facilitate agreement amongst groups on market linkage to be taken advantage of
    • Develop agreement & contracting with selected buyers
    • Troubleshoot agreement & contracting with selected buyers of as well as their contracting with selected buyers
Commercial herd intervention
·         Train the groups on the economic, social and livelihood advantage of the commercial herd within the livelihood herd at the household level.
·         Identify functional households/individuals who are already practicing the commercial herd in their livelihoods.

Management support to livestock groups
·         Training in report writing and coach on the actual report production.
·         Ensure all relevant reports are duly produced within set timeframe
·         Collect livestock and marketing data from each group.
·         Facilitate business planning for each livestock marketing group.
·         Produce quarterly reports
·         Train groups on basic book keeping
·         Coach groups on preparation of financial statements
Qualifications and experience
Education -Bachelor in economics, rural development, cooperative studies, development planning, agronomy, business administration, agribusiness or any other related field
Experience -Livestock and meat market systems, thorough understanding of the entire livestock value chain, and experience in donor funded livestock development projects is preferably.

The deadline for receiving applications is 29/3 2016

Interested persons should apply in writing and submit cover letter, current curriculum vitae and the names of two referees to the email address provided below.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates should be contacted for interview

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