Sunday, May 10, 2015

Senior Reading Specialist -- Let’s Read Together Activity - Tanzania

Senior Reading Specialist -- Let's Read Together Activity - Tanzania
CAMRIS International seeks a Senior Reading Specialist to serve on the upcoming USAID Tanzania's "Let's Read Together Activity". The purpose of this contract is to acquire technical assistance and instructional materials targeted at improving lifelong learning skills, defined as mastery of early grade reading, writing, and arithmetic. Technical assistance will cover: (1) improving quality of basic skills instruction at the early primary level; (2) strengthening Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) skills delivery systems; and (3) increasing community and parental engagement in early primary education. These three components align with the Government of Tanzania (GoT)'s ten-year Education Development Sector Plan (EDSP)(see Attachment 5, item 22) and other reforms underway, such as Big Results Now (BRN), Performance4Results (P4R), and Global Partnership for Education Literacy and Numeracy Support (GPE LANES) program on 3R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic) reform.
  • The senior reading specialist provides overall technical oversight and guidance to the project's support to improved reading instruction.
  • He/she supervises the production of all Tusome Pamoja-supported reading material, all Tusome Pamoja-supported trainings in reading, all teacher and classroom supervision and monitoring and all student testing efforts.
  • He/she ensures complementarity of activity approaches in reading across the Tusome Pamoja regions, liaises with government representatives and technicians on technical matters, and bears ultimate responsibility for ensuring that children in Tusome Pamoja schools achieve improved outcomes in reading
  • Requires a Master's Degree in education, preferably with a specialty in early grade reading.
  • A PhD in education with a focus on early childhood education and/or early grade learning is preferred.
Skills and Experience:
  • At least 8 years of experience in programs in sub-Saharan Africa that work specifically to improve early grade reading is required.
  • Prior experience with the development of early grade reading materials, training programs, classroom monitoring protocols, and tests and assessments, including EGRA, is required.
  • Prior experience with supporting civil-society based monitoring of reading outcomes is preferred.
  • The candidate must be professionally proficient and fluent in written and spoken English. It is preferred, but not required, that the candidate be conversant and fluent in written and spoken Kiswahili (FS 2+).

If interested in this position please submit a copy of your most up to date resume to include three professional references with contact information (phone and email) to

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