Tuesday, March 17, 2015

2016 Türkiye Scholarships - Tanzanians

2016 Türkiye Scholarships - Tanzanians Candidates who have graduated or are likely to graduate from an educational institution equivalent to that of Türkiye's in the present academic (i.e. bachelor's degree for master's level) can apply to Türkiye Scholarships.

There is also age condition for candidates required to meet.

  • For applicants applying to Undergraduate Degree: Those who were born no earlier than 01.01.1994,
  • For applicants applying to Master's Degree: Those who were born no earlier than 01.01.1985,
  • For applicants applying to Ph.D Degree: Those who were born no earlier than 01.01.1980,
  • For applicants applying to Research Program: Those who were born no earlier than 01.01.1970,
  • Applicants shouldn't have any health problems barrier to education.

It is expected to have certain academic score from candidates for each program and scholarship level. There are specific minimum score of the program that you are applying at "assessment and selection" section.

Students who are currently studying in Türkiye are not allowed to apply to the level that they are already studying.

Turkish citizens and persons who lost Turkish citizenship cannot apply for this scholarship program.

Türkiye scholarships are open for all country citizens who meet these conditions.

Short-term scholarship programs may have additional application requirements. Please check the requirements during the application period.

Application can only be made on-line via this websitehttps://basvuru.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/en/OBS_K/OnlineBasvuru/BasvuruKilavuz

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