Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Community Development Facilitator (Ifakara)

Community Development Facilitator (Ifakara)
Plan is an international child - centered Development Organization whose mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children through a process that unites people' across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives by:
Enabling deprived children" their families, and their communities, to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their societies .
Building relationships to increase understanding and, unity among peoples of different cultures and countries .
Promoting the rights and interests of the world's children "
Plan has been working in Tanzania since 1991, supporting children and communities to gain better access to health, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, livelihoods and protection through five Country Programs.
Plan works with children, their families and communities to implement programmes at grassroots level. It currently operates in seven regions across the country, having physical offices in Mwanza, Geita, Ifakara, Kibaha, Kisarawe and Dar es Salaam, reaching other areas through partnerships and grants such as Sumbawanga, Nkasi, Bahi, Chamwino and Kongwa districts.
Plan Tanzania now invites applications from suitable, qualified and experienced persons to fill the positions described below.

Job Purpose:
Facilitate children, parents and partners in designing, planning, implementing and monitoring projects at the grassroots level while building and. maintaining the relationship through meaningful communication across cultures.
Job Requirement
Facilitate the communities and other stakeholders in resource mobilization.
Facilitates effective participation of children, families, communities and stakeholders in program activities
To facilitate communities in the design, implementation and monitoring of community managed projects in line with the CCCD agenda.
Establish good working .relations with children, families, community leadership, community based organizations (CBOs), government extension staff and other stakeholders at ward and village levels
Create community awareness and the community volunteer on development education and communication.
Facilitate the process of community reflections and project effectiveness.
Facilitate meaningful dialogue between children, families, communities and sponsors using Plan's sponsorship and development communication mechanism and tools.
To carry out regular home visits to all sponsored families
Promote and facilitate child rights based programming at field level.
promote and abide by internal policies and procedures including but not limited to: Child Protection Policy; Code of Conduct; mandatory reporting responsibility
Ensures that the Ward and Village Child Protection Committees are fully functional.
All partners and relevant others, including children and communities, are trained, sign and . have access to the child protection policy (and other relevant documents such as the Code of
Conduct), are aware of its contents and clear about the responsibilities it places on them.
To develop and submit to the PUM monihly progress and status reports, Projects Outlines with budgets and annual action plans
To monitor progress of project expenditures and submit budget modification request to the PUM
To mainstream 'gender ,programming in all Plan' business at the community level.

Skills specific to the post
Excellent communication, community mobilization, problem solving and advanced facilitation skills
Ability to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
Proficient in computer, team building and good interpersonal skills

Qualifications and experience
Degree in Community Development, Development studies, Business, Sociology or/with specialized expertise in education, health, livelihood, water and sanitation.
Ability to ride a motorbike
At least 1 year working experience in a similar role with a good awareness of current issues in the field of development, and familiarity with children's issues in particular
Experience in an NGO environment would be an added advantage.

Plan Tanzania is a child centered organization. Protecting the rights of the children is of paramount interest to us.
The above positions carry attractive remuneration as per Plan Tanzania salary structure and incentive package.

Plan Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer. Interested and qualified internal candidates are invited to send their applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certificate copies of relevant education and professional qualifications together with names of three referees, and their contact. Therefore all applications should 'be sent to undersigned or through APPLY NOW below not later than 30th January 2015.

Country Human Resources Manager
Plan International Tanzania
Central Technology Building (CT House)
Plot # 96, Mikocheni Light Industrial Area ..
Off. New Bagamoyo road next to TBC
P. O. Box 3517
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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