Friday, November 21, 2014

MCC Project Expert Consultancy in Tanzania and Indonesia

MCC Project Expert Consultancy in Tanzania and Indonesia
 MCC Project Expert Consultancy
(local recruitment in the United Republic of Tanzania and
The Republic of Indonesia)

The King Abdullah International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (the "Centre") is an inter-governmental organization that was founded in 2012 to enable, empower and encourage dialogue among followers of different religions and cultures around the world. Located in Vienna, Austria, the Centre is an independent, autonomous, free of political or economic influence. For more details, please visit the Centre's homepage at

One of the important projects of the Centre is the "Multi-religious Collaboration for the Common Good (MCC)". This project is conducted in partnership with Religions for Peace (RfP) with the aim to expand both partners' successful methods and programme work in interreligious dialogue, child wellbeing and interreligious education as well as to track outcomes of this work.

The Centre is currently looking to recruit two consultants experienced in training, monitoring and evaluation with the objective to further develop and implement the MCC project, including monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis. Both consultants should be local residents. The selected consultants will become part of the RfP local Programme Steering Committee and will also work in partnership with RfP.

The Consultant will be responsible for organizing workshops, methodological elaboration and expansion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, based on identified needs, priorities and demands of RfP and the country where the project is being implemented, within the framework of the Centre's mandate and the guidelines provided by the Centre. The Consultant will be expected to strengthen dialogue with the local Government, religious institutions, UN organizations present on the ground, non-governmental organizations, bilateral and international assistance providers, and the implementing partner, RfP.

Under the supervision of the Centre's Programme Officer and in close coordination with other staff of the Programmes Department, the Project Expert will perform the following duties:
1. Develop a strategic framework of cooperation and active partnerships between the Centre and its partners, RfP, relevant national government institutions, non-governmental organizations, United Nations (UN) agencies, and representatives of other multilateral and bilateral organizations. Design and implement operational workshop with in coordination with the supervisor to establish the Project Steering Committee.

2. Provide leadership within the targeted institutions of interreligious dialogue in the country (e.g. Interreligious Councils, governmental or institutional dialogue fora), and provide the overall strategic framework for the Centre's assistance in the country. Ensure that the Centre's inputs are recognized by the recipient country as added value to national and regional dialogue development initiatives, with particular attention to sectors related to child wellbeing and education interventions.
3. Support the Centre in provision of information on interreligious and intercultural dialogue within the country by establishing a local information network which provides strategic information required for the local implementation of the project, such as dialogue support strategies, child wellbeing (including child health, freedom, trafficking and labour), education sector analyses, and interreligious policy formulation.  Support the Centre's Research Department in data collection and mapping exercises.

4. Monitor and evaluate all project-related activities and day-to-day project management. Update the Workplan provided by the supervisor and provide regular reports on its implementation.  When applicable, manage the financial and human resources assigned to the role in compliance with the Centre's regulatory framework.

5. Organise MCC workshops, training and events. Identify and formulate key objectives and expected outcomes, identify conference premises, accommodation, participants, key experts, facilitators, and panellists. Support facilitation during events and trainings and take care of reporting as well as moderating sessions. Compile lists of participants, workshop recommendations, follow-ups, reports, ensure appropriate evaluation.

Required qualifications and experience
Advanced university degree in International Relations, (Inter-)Religious Studies, Project Management, Social Sciences or related subjects;
Minimum 5 years of working experience as a project manager, preferably in an international setting; previous work on Interreligious Dialogue is an asset;
Proven experience as trainer and facilitator;
Knowledge of and experience with monitoring and evaluation framework(s);
Excellent communication and networking skills;
Excellent planning and administrative skills including budget monitoring and staff supervision;
Cross-cultural and interreligious sensitivity;
Ability to work independently with minimum supervision;
Fluency in English, oral and in writing.

Proposed consultancy period
Initial 6 months contract, with the possibility of further extensions, depending on performance and the continuation of the project. Starting date as soon as possible.
Deadline for applications: 15 December 2014

Please send your CV by e-mail to along with a motivation letter. Please do not at this stage send any diplomas, publications or any other documents. Only short-listed candidates will be further contacted by KAICIID.

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