Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Finance Officer NTD (x 2 )

Finance Officer NTD (x 2 )
Duty Station: Mtwara and Dar es Salaam /Mwanza
Reports to: SFO • NTD
Organizational description:
IMAWorld Health is an International Faith-based NGO, provides technical and material assistances for health programs of partner churches, faith based development, relief organizations, and public agencies. The main activities are to support health programming including disease control, health care, infrastructure strengthening and facilitation of material, technical and financial resources.

IMA through USAID Funds is supporting the implementation of National Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Programme in 7 Regions (Lindi, Mtwara, Pwani, Rukwa, Dodoma, Singida, Tabora and Mwanza) IMA World Health, is seeking for a qualified candidate for the position of Finance Officers.

Minimum of five years accounting experience, three years out of which should be in Donor Funded Programmes;
Have undergone relevant training in financial management and accounting; MUST have an undergraduate degree,MBA will be an added advantage;
Strong and demonstrated knowledge of Accounting Principles, Financial Systems and Grants Managements;
Knowledge of Computer and computerized accounting systems such as Pastel, Sunny, and Scalar added advantage
Dynamic, flexible and a team player with Willingness to travel in remote areas
Experience dealing with district councils
Have a good command of EngliSh both oral and written.
Excellent knowledge of advanced Microsoft office

Processing of all payment on timely manner;
Preparation of monthly Financial Reports to meet the set deadlines;
Take part in project planning, and budgeting process and ensure sub grantees adhere to donor and IMA financial rules and regulations
Keep all project books up to date and act as a link between sub grantees and IMA finance team
Ensure timely liquidations of all funds disbursed to sub grantee and timely reporting of any anticipated delays to SFO - Envision
Work closely with Project Coordinator and other project staff to ensure all bills and other payables that fall dues are collected and payment process effected; . .
Ensure monthly accounts reconciliation is done on timely manner;
Updated schedules of advances sub-ledgers to staff & other debtors, advances and balances;
Preparation of donor reports as may be required by Finance Manager;
Ensure timely processing of claims for services rendered
Monitor grant expenditures against budget; and.
Any other duties as assigned by the supervisors.


Interested applicants should send their applications letters with details cv's and copies of certificates and testimonials, specify the duty station and write a one page motivational letter for the position addressed to the
Country Director, IMA World Health, Plot No: 151, Migombani Street,
P.O. Box 9260, Dar es Salaam

Deadline: 28 Nov 2014

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