Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Agency Banking Support at Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB)

Agency Banking Support at Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB) seeks to appoint dedicated, self motivated and highly organized Agency Banking Support ( 1 position) to join the Technology and Operations team.

Reporting Line:  Manager– A ency  B anking

Locations: Head Office

Work Schedule:  As per TPB Staff regulations
Division: Branches
Salary:  Commensurate to the Job Advertised

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:-

Supervise activities of TPB POPOTE agencies and daily managing agency business

To visit agencies periodically and check the agency if is compliance with set procedures and KYC.

Collection of documents in relation to account opening, loan application and ATM card/SMS Banking application form to Branch/Supporting offices.

Coordinate training of agents

Ensure all agents offices are branded with Banks' sign and supplied with promotion materials and stationeries.

Monitor agency performance e .g. float limit and Transactions limit

Identify new potential agents within your selected region and recommend strategies on the way forward to revitalize the poorly performing agents.

Conduct appraisal of all new agents by reviewing business turn over per day/month, Bank statement, Account opening, Cash flow and determine agent's float & transaction limit.

To submit periodical reports on performance and progress of the Agents. required are submitted by Agent during appraisal.

Checking agents records and addressing issues faced by agents including customers complaint.

To submit field report soon after the visit and other analytical report as required periodically.

To ensure Agent settlement account used to deposit cash, withdraw cash and intra-bank transfer are reconciled.

Assist in carrying out Operational Compliance Audits at the agencies.

Risk mitigation in your section

Coordinate the consolidation and analysis of field reports of identified agents.

Write and analyze agent's consolidated performances & issues of the agents periodically.

Coordinate to ensure teller cards are availed to agent tellers. Coordinate to ensure the authorized agent tellers are provided with relevant POS passwords.

Coordinate to ensure the TAC accounts are toped up with initial operating balance for new agents.

Execute the termination clause steps upon breach of the partnership clauses by either party and ensure repossession of bank POS and teller cards relevantly.
Receive communication from agent owners on agent employee changes & coordinate training and ensure proper business transition & continuity as per contract.

The superiors may assign any other duties as from time to time.

Monitor a minimum of 50 operating agents

o Ensure maintenance of  records, transactions data & review their performance closely.

o Liaise with the relevant departments on relevant updated and documented operational manuals and ensuring timely updates in order to standardise customer service in all Agent outlets.

o Ensure commissions are processed within the contract terms & raise relevant documents on time {7th of every month}.
o Report on the weekly performance & issues of the agents assigned

o Ensure assets and accountable documents are cost effectively utilized in a bid to reduce costs and are securely kept.
o Handle Agents inquiries and provide relevant support.
o Raise irregularities on any transactions or operations of agents.
o Continuously communicate/relate or update the agents on ongoing operations.

o Consult agents to ensure adequate operational, marketing materials and continuous replenishment at the agency.

o Receive and collate agent feedback, recommend solutions and forward for management guidance.

o Receive copies of excess deposits banked by the Agents, for verification reconciliation and filing.

o Ensure proper reconciliations are done before replenishment and repatriation (print relevant reports as evidence).

o Monitor the POS balance operations for relevant settlement. o Report on agent POS operations.
o Maintain cordial Agent bank relationship.

o Ensure prompt agent repatriation adjustment by Processing of Agents refunds and updating of the respective accounts (raise relevant documents).
o Monitoring of agents TAC accounts and advising agent on the respective position

o Verification of transactions & random crosscheck of customer accounts transacted at the assigned agent locations.
o Securely file the relevant reports and Maintain Agent files for agents assigned


Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly - for appraisal, monitoring and performance


Customer – Service Delivery/Enquiries

Efficient and Quality Service to Customers


Customer Satisfaction

Individual Productivity and Turnaround time

Minimum Cash Differences

Accuracy of Transactions Postings


Education :   Bachelor Degree/Adv.Diploma/Diploma in Accounting, Banking or   equivalent


Requirement: Driving Licence Car/Motorcyle Class

The position will attract a competitive salary package, which include benefits. Applicants are invited to submit their resume ( indicating the position title in the subject heading) via e -mail to: . Applications via other methods will not be considered. Applicants need to submit only the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and the letter of applications starting the job advertised and the location. Other credentials will have to be submitted during the interview for authentic check and other administrative measures and should not in any way be attached during application.

Tanzania Postal Bank i an Equal Opportunity Employer and is very committed to environmental, health and safety Management.

Tanzania Postal Bank has a strong commitment to environmental, health and safety management. If you are not contacted by Tanzania Postal Bank within seven (7) days after the closing date, you should consider your application as unsuccessful. Late applications will not be considered. Short listed candidates may be subjected to any of the following: a security clearance; a competency assessment; physical capability assessment and reference checking.

Please forward your applications before 25th November, 2014.

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