Thursday, September 22, 2016



The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. We are seeking applications for two positions on our Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee serves in an expert advisory capacity and provides independent, expert advice to the Executive Board and the Executive Director in fulfilling their governance responsibilities, including ensuring the effectiveness of WFP's internal control systems, risk management, audit and oversight functions, and governance processes. The Audit Committee aims to add value by strengthening accountability and governance within WFP.
The specific responsibilities of the Audit Committee include advising the Executive Board and the Executive Director on the following:
  • Internal Audit: the staffing, resources and performance of the internal audit function and the appropriateness of the independence of the internal audit function, including advice on the selection of the Inspector General and Director, Oversight Office;
  • Risk Management and Internal Controls: the effectiveness of WFP's internal control systems, including risk management and internal governance practices;
  • Financial Statements: issues arising from the audited financial statements of WFP, and reports to WFP management and the Executive Board produced by the External Auditor;
  • Accounting: the appropriateness of accounting policies, standards and disclosure practices and any changes and risks in those policies;
  • External Audit: the External Auditor's work plan and reports; the Audit Committee may provide, upon request of the Executive Board, advice on the selection of the External Auditor, including the costs and scope of the services to be provided, and to the Executive Board regarding the fees charged by the External Auditor and on extensions of the audit work or additional work required of the External Auditor;
  • Values and Ethics: the systems established by WFP to maintain and promote international civil service values, and to ensure compliance with applicable norms and policies, and high standards of integrity and ethical conduct, to prevent conflicts of interest and misconduct; and
  • Allegations of Inappropriate Activity: the process for handling and investigating significant allegations.

To undertake the role effectively, members of the Audit Committee should possess integrity, independent judgement, dedication and commitment to WFP's global goal of reaching zero hunger.
Qualifications and Experience:
  • At least 15 years of progressively responsible Senior Management experience in Finance and Audit
  • Proven experience in organizational governance and accountability structures, including risk management
  • Demonstrated knowledge of large, international and complex organizations
  • Understanding of general legal concepts
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver recommendations across different levels of a multicultural organization
  • A track record of providing expertise in an advisory capacity to Executive level stakeholders
  • Previous Audit Committee experience preferred
Terms and Conditions
To meet Audit Committee equitable geographical representation requirements, preference will be given to nationals from the regions of Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.
Members of the Audit Committee shall be independent of the WFP Secretariat and the Executive Board. The appointment is for a three year term, which may be renewed for a further three years, without compensation. They are expected to attend at least four meetings each year in Rome, Italy. Travel and subsistence costs are paid by WFP. For more details please
Deadline for applications: October 14, 2016
WFP has zero tolerance for discrimination and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status. Qualified female applicants and qualified applicants from developing countries are encouraged to apply.
No appointment under any kind of contract will be offered to members of the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), FAO Finance Committee, WFP External Auditor, WFP Audit Committee, Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and other similar bodies within the United Nations system with oversight responsibilities over WFP, both during their service and within three years of ceasing that service.
REF: 16-0022413


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