Thursday, October 9, 2014


Closing date: 5pm East African 17th October, 2014 5pm East African Time
Interview date: Wednesday 22nd October 2014 (Subject to change)
Salary: 25,000,000 Tshs by installments. 
Hours: To be agreed with successful candidate
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Restless Development is the leading youth-led development agency. We have been working in Tanzania since 1993 and have established an impressive track record in delivering grassroots impact through youth led development programmes aligned to the Government of Tanzania's poverty reduction plans and Millennium Development Goals. 
In collaboration with partner organizations (VSO, LHRC and OXFAM) , we have been implementing a national programme around the Constitution called 'Fahamu, Ongea, Sikilizwa'. Within this consortium Restless Development is the youth lead, and has been implementing a youth led programme driven by youth networks known as 'Kijana Wajibika' literarily translated as "Youth let's be Responsible". This is being implemented in 14 regions of Tanzania mainland covering Dar es Salaam (Temeke, Kinondoni and Ilala), Lindi (Lindi Municipal), Mtwara (Tandahimba), Tanga (Tanga municipal), Morogoro (Morogoro urban), Iringa (Mafinga-Mufindi), Mbeya (Mbeya urban), Ruvuma (Songea municipal), Dodoma (Dodoma urban), Arusha (Arusha urban), Shinyanga (Sinyanga municipal), Simiyu (Bariadi), Geita (Geita Municipal) and Kagera (Missenyi).
The main purpose for this consultancy is to identify, review and assess the impact and achievements made by youth networks via Restless Development, its volunteers and its partners on the ground in enabling young people to participate in the constitutional review process between March 2014 and September 2014; And to assess the capacity of the networks so as to inform their development moving forward.
The evaluation will aim at identifying the best practices that drive the engagement of young people in civic processes which are contributing to positive changes at an individual, group, or local level within the regions, and provide recommendation which will strengthen the effectiveness of the networks in leading civic engagement at local level which leads to changes in youth attitudes, participation, and ultimately their ability to demand improved rights, services, and roles from their duty bearers
To apply please follow the instructions in the terms of reference, sending completed applications, stating the vacancy job title Tanzania - Youth Networks Evaluation Consultancy.
Closing date for this position is 5pm East African Time, Friday 17th October, 2014.

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