Tuesday, August 26, 2014


- Managing all or part of the school;
- Co-coordinating and implementing an appropriate curriculum having regard to the varying need, experience, interests, aptitudes and stage of development of all the pupils in the school and the resources available to the school
- Maintaining a policy for pupil's behavior and discipline and maintaining such rules and codes of conduct for pupils as required for the maintenance of order and discipline within the school.
- Taking all possible steps to ensure the safety and welfare of all pupils in the school while on the school site and while engaged in authorized activities off the site.
- Taking all possible steps to ensure the safety and welfare of the teaching staff while on the school premises.
- Keeping the work and organization of the school under review.
- Defining the organizational structure for teaching poses within the terms of any agreement negotiated allocating duties to all members of staff.
- The deployment and management of members of staff.
- Maintain effective liaison with external agencies whose operations affect or are affected by the school.
- Lead and coordinate work within the school on curriculum development.
- Undertake defined administrative tasks within the school.


Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV, copies of Educational Certifications, one passport size photograph and an application letter, addressed and delivered to:

The Human Resource Manager
Al Muntazir Schools,
P.O.Box 21735,
Dar es Salaam.

Alternatively, you may email soft copies of your CV and related documents
Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.

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