Friday, July 11, 2014


SUPPLY OFFICER Job Title: Supply Officer

Grade: P2+ 1 grade exceptionally for Mogadishu posting

Section: Integrated Support Services (ISS)

Reports to: Chief Integrated Support Services (CISS)

Duty Station: Mogadishu, Somalia


Within delegated authority the Officer is responsible for the effective and efficient management of supplies, equipment, material, property and related services within AMISOM, including receiving and inspecting supplies upon arrival within the mission. Develops, manages and implements supply program priorities and implements corrective action with respect to issues/problems.


Responsible for staff management and work, work planning, performance and budget of the unit.

Manages the AMISOM Mogadishu Logistics Base (MLB).

Liaises and co-ordinates Logistical Base operations in partnership with UNSOA and Liaises with the supply sections of UNSOA based within MLB.

Plans and manages the coordination of supply support operations.

Reviews and monitors technical contracts for the provision of supply support services.

As appropriate, liaises with UNSOA, relevant mission administration, external contractors, and others to ensure the effective provision of supplies and equipment, including the following:

Forecast and analyze integrated mission supply needs, determine priorities, and plans and prepares supply support plans.

Monitor the coordination and implementation of supply support plans

Receive, inspect and monitor supplies received by the mission to ensure compliance with planning and supply orders.

Work together to addresses issues.

Manages allocation and control of all equipment and stores received, stored and distributed by the mission.

Initiates actions leading to procurement, maintenance and disposal of items as appropriate.

Provide guidance and training to AMISOM personnel regarding supply policies and procedures.

Conducts and monitors the mission's supply management practices, makes recommendations for action/change, and implements improved supply management processes and systems affecting the mission.

Works with the AU, mission leadership and others to develop and implement supply management policies and guidelines as necessary.

Maintains accurate and complete supply records and provides statistical and other reports as appropriate.

Performs other functions as required.


A University Degree in Supply, Procurement, Business Administration, Management, Logistics, or related field. A higher qualification will be and added advantage.


Minimum of 5 years relevant experience in supply services, procurement, administration, logistics, project management or related area.


Demonstrated staff and budget management experience.

Strong working knowledge and experience in developing and managing supply plans, supply operations, contract management, and related policies and procedures.

Ability to provide technical and procedural advice on a broad range of supply and logistics-related issues.

Ability to establish priorities and work within urgent and competing demands to meet deadlines.

Ability to analyze, interpret, and synthesize information.

Proven interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively and establish harmonious working relationships within the unit, partners, and other sections within the mission and within a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary setting.

Demonstrated ability to resolve issues/problems effectively and constructively.

Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.

Working knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Inventory Management Systems.

Prepared to work in a hardship, highly pressurised and sometimes hazardous environment


Proficiency in one of the African Union working languages. Knowledge of one or several other working languages would be an added advantage.


The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.


The appointment shall be for an initial period of one (1) year, the first three (3) months of which shall be on probation. It shall be renewable subject to performance and availability of funds.

10. REMUNERATION: The salary attached to the position is an annual lump-sum of US$ 102,871.50 inclusive of all allowances for internationally recruited staff, and

US$ 91,267.91 inclusive of all allowances for locally recruited staff

Applications must be made through the AUC E-recruitment Website  not later than 7th August 2014.

Directorate of Administration and Human Resource Management
African Union Commission
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

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