Friday, October 12, 2012

Capacity Building to Coordinate Implementation of the East African Community Food Security Action Plan, Africa

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location


Job Summary

The Australian Government, through AusAID, is committed to broadening and deepening its engagement with African countries and institutions. The Australia Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF) is one of the mechanisms used to achieve the second objective of Australia's strategic approach to aid to Africa 2011-2015, which is 'to help build the human resources capacity of African countries, particularly in areas and ways where Australia has recognised strengths and expertise'. The goal of the AAPF is to develop partnerships between Australia and African countries that contribute to achieving African countries' development priorities.

Key Responsibilities

Cardno Emerging Markets (Australia) Pty Ltd, through the AAPF, is seeking bids from Companies in response to a need under the Capacity Building Support to the East African Community to coordinate implementation of the EAC Food Security Action Plan. This activity calls for a company to provide a Technical Adviser for a 1 year input. Support services will be required by the Company to assist the Adviser(s) in performing duties.  
This application process is open to companies who can provide such expertise, and related support to meet the Terms of Reference.

Other Requirements

Interested companies should contact Cardno Emerging Markets at  to request a full set of application documents.  All applications must be received by no later than 4:00pm South Africa time on Monday 29th October 2012
Cardno Emerging Markets is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to Child Protection
Further information about the Australia Africa Partnerships Facility please visit

Employee Benefits


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