Saturday, July 2, 2011

VACANCY: Agricultural/Natural Resource Economist

VACANCY: Agricultural/Natural Resource Economist

If you love research for development, then profitability and benefits of agroforestry innovations is a very interesting area for you. Southern Africa has exciting opportunities for such work. Working from Lilongwe in Malawi, you can guide our work in the following ways:

1. Strategic research & development
Conceptualize, design and conduct  research and development activities that will inform the processes of adoption of agroforestry innovations and their impact on smallholder farmers;
Undertake strategic analyses of the economic feasibility, profitability, and social acceptability of agroforestry options.

2. Communication of science for impact
Generate global public goods through synthesis and publication of research results.
In collaboration with partners, produce  reader-friendly and capacity building materials, including policy briefs
Establish linkages with strategic institutions to create awareness to facilitate the use of results of science and development of agroforestry to users.

3. Capacity building
Mentor and technically backstop ICRAF and national/partner scientists in southern Africa.
Supervise graduate students' field research and thesis writing

4. Resource mobilization and administration
Prepare proposals to funding agencies to support our research and development activities.
You will be expected to take up some management and administrative duties as well.

Terms of offer
We offer a collegial, diverse and gender-sensitive working environment, and we strongly encourage applications from qualified women. This position is on international terms.  The appointment will be for an initial period of three years, renewable subject to nine months probation period.    

How to apply
 A cover letter illustrating your suitability and salary expectations
A detailed and up to date  curriculum vitae
The names and addresses of three referees, including telephone, fax numbers and email addresses.

Address these to: Human Resources Unit, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), PO Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya OR via email: Indicate "Agricultural/Natural Resource Economist" on the application letter. Applications will be considered until 15th August 2011 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.
Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

About us:  visit our website:

The World Agroforestry Centre (also known as the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry or ICRAF) is an independent research institution which generates science-based knowledge about the complex role trees play in agricultural landscapes and rural livelihoods. As part of the Centre's work to bring tree-based solutions to bear on poverty and environmental problems, researchers – working in close collaboration with partners – are developing new technologies, tools and policy recommendations for increased food security and ecosystem health.

The Centre's headquarters are located in Nairobi, Kenya, and research is conducted in 23 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We are supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and receive funding from over 50 different donors.

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