Saturday, July 2, 2011

Vacancy doctoral scholarship

Vacancy doctoral scholarship

'Rural development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa'


Job description

  • The candidate will conduct PhD research within the framework of the multidisciplinary research project 'A Green Revolution in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Challenges for inclusive development' (FSR – funded by Université Catholique de Louvain). The project mainly adopts a qualitative research approach.

Abstract of the project: The project takes the Great Lakes Region as a case study to (1) reflect upon how local livelihood strategies are affected by global drivers of change - increasing competition for land, food price fluctuations, and climate change - that severely challenge Africa's agricultural systems; (2) analyse how, rural development policies and practices may (not) contribute to a pro-poor 'Green Revolution' in the Great Lakes Region; (3) provide policy-relevant lessons on how to combine economic development with the improvement of rural livelihoods and local agency– while taking into account the way in which the political economy shapes conditions for social change.

  • The candidate will elaborate proposals to attract additional research funding.
  • The candidate could possibly engage in policy advisory work on topics closely related to the research project – dependent upon demand.



  • Masters in development studies, or in anthropology, sociology, political sciences, economics, agronomy, etc. but with a proven interest in development studies.
  • Experience of research, preferably in Africa.
  • Experience of qualitative research methods. Knowledge of quantitative research methods is an advantage.
  • Motivated to conduct long-term field research in Africa (up to 6 months)
  • Team-player, willing to actively participate in the activities of the Centre for Development Studies at UCL.
  • Excellent presentation and writing skills.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and French (both written and spoken); knowledge of African languages spoken in the Great Lakes Region is an additional advantage.


Job offer

The vacancy is for a full-time PhD scholarship of two years (48 months) at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL, based in French-speaking part of Belgium), possibly prolonged with another two years (dependent upon the mid-term evaluation of the research project by the UCL research council).



All candidates are invited to send the following information to by 15 September 2011.

-         CV including: Personal details, Studies, Language skills, Professional trajectory, Short description of previous field experience (preferably in Africa), Publications (if applicable), Any other information that might be relevant for the vacancy

-         A letter of motivation (max 2 A4 pages, times new roman 12)

Shortlisted candidates will receive notice by the end of September, and will be asked to write a short scientific paper (max 3000 words excl. bibliography in English or French) on 'the challenges for rural development in the Great Lakes Region of Africa' (deadline: 31 October 2011).


Starting date: 1 December 2011

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