Friday, July 1, 2011

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer - The Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation, Kenya

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer - The Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation, Kenya 
Job Description
The Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation is a new initiative aimed at reducing HIV prevalence among youth by promoting positive behavior change and linking young people to economic opportunities.  It is a ground-breaking approach empowering youth to make healthy decisions for their futures. This initiative represents a new model for development, to involve multiple partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors, and to utilize 21st century techniques and technologies to support HIV prevention.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer undertakes functions for the overall coordination of monitoring and evaluation activities of the HIV-Free Generation program, focusing specifically on designing and developing systems for collecting data for measuring project implementation, quality assurance, documentation and reporting in close liison with theMonitoring and Evaluation Advisor.  The position overseas implementation of M&E activities in accordance with guidelines stipulated by the funding agency and regularly updates project staff on progress towards implementation of the work plan, and designing methods for demonstrating program outcomes and impact. 

  • Support the development of the program performance monitoring plans and system to track and report on program goals, results and activities 
  • Support in development and adaption of indicators for monitoring and evaluation for all sub-agreements under the program. Ensure that all relevant staff and partners are aware of monitoring, evaluation and reporting guidelines are known and adhered to. Provide technical assistance to local counterparts to improve local capacity and technical expertise in monitoring and evaluation, and to use research/evaluation/monitoring findings for effective decision-making and human capacity development/performance improvement.
  • Coordinate baseline, midterm, end-line data collection, routine monitoring activities and special studies in the field that demonstrate achievement of program results. Update these results on the milestones and indicator targets in the performance management and evaluation plan. Monitor routine data collection in close collaboration with multi-sectoral partners.
  • Provide M&E technical support for all monitoring and evaluation activities (including tool design, preparation of statistical tables, data entry using SPSS and other statistical packages, and analysis). Ensure appropriate data collection tools and systems are in place collect required data for performance, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Oversee and guide the MIS and project databases
  • In close liaison with the M&E Advisor and collaboration with program staff and local counterparts, prepare analytical reports with identified monitoring and evaluation findings to address opportunities for leveraging additional public-private sector support and mechanisms for program improvement. Document, disseminate and promote lessons learned and best practices
  • Participate in program monitoring and evaluation forums
  • Provide assistance in designing and developing strategic program plans
  • Provide support in the writing and production of evaluation reports
Required Skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge of evaluation designs for HIV programs as well as knowledge in health other programs in developing nations.
  • Ability to conduct epidemiologic and social science research, including questionnaire development and data analysis.
  • Sensitivity to cultural differences and understanding of the political and ethical issues surrounding HIV infections.
  • Ability to work well with others and to develop and maintain compatibility among project staff, implementing partners, government staff, etc.
  • Well developed and written and oral communication skills.
Required Experience
  • Degree in social sciences or public health.
  • Must have at least five years experience in monitoring and evaluation.
  • Computer proficiency in word processing, databases, spreadsheets, including advanced skills in at least two of the following programs: SPSS, Excel, Epi Info, Stata, and Ms Access
Job LocationNairobi, KENYAPosition TypeFull-Time/Regular


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