Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Research Assistant — Soil and Land-use Management

Research Assistant — Soil and Land-use Management

United Nations University objectives

The United Nations University (UNU) is an international community of scholars engaged in research, postgraduate training and the dissemination of knowledge in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States. The University functions as a think tank for the United Nations system, contributes to capacity building, particularly in developing countries, and serves as a platform for new and innovative ideas and dialogue.For more information please visit

UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES)

The mission of UNU-FLORES is to contribute to the development of integrated and sustainable management strategies for the use of water, soil and waste resources, in particular in developing and emerging countries, in scientific, educational, managerial, technological and institutional terms. Potential issues of focus include urban water management; nutrient cycles and budgets; methods for reclamation and rehabilitation of degraded sites; site-specific river-basin-scale water management; interaction of land use management and water inventory under differing climate conditions; and efficient site-adapted waste management strategies, among others.
The Institute will develop innovative concepts for target- and region-specific knowledge transfer as well as appropriate methodologies and approaches for postgraduate and professional education. The Institute is located in Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany. For more information please visit

The Soil and Land-use Management unit

The Soil and Land-use Management section at UNU-FLORES promotes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research to make sure that society can benefit from an improved understanding of the nexus of soil, water and waste. Advancing the nexus, the Soil and Land-use Management section develops site- and region-specific management options for developing and emerging countries which may help to:
  • protect and develop soils and water resources,
  • advance food security and water security,
  • enhance the water-use efficiency and water productivity,
  • maintain and improve soil- and water-related ecosystem services, and
  • enable the production of biomass under an uncertain climate and degrading and dwindling soils.
The work of the Soil and Land-use Management unit is based on the assumption that a sound understanding of the interactions between atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and pedosphere allows the development and successful implementation of management options, and a reliable, model-based assessment of how these adaptive management concepts prevent a further decline in soils and in water resources.


Under the authority of the Director of UNU-FLORES and direct supervision of the Academic Officer – Soil and Land-use Management, the successful candidate shall carry out the following tasks:
  • Support the general research and development on the soil–water–waste nexus at the Soil and Land-use Management unit;
  • Contribute to the literature review and research dealing with the impact of land-use on soil hydrological properties; soil sampling, lab measurements, data analysis, and modeling using HYDRUS 1D/2D;
  • Support the development of research and knowledge products, such as policy briefs, technical reports and research articles, etc.;
  • Contribute to ongoing research projects: data analysis, simulation studies using, for instance, CoupModel or SWAT, including drafting papers and respective reports;
  • Contribute to the development of a book dealing with multifunctional land-use systems in the Loess Plateau Region of the Northwest China by ensuring the contact and coordination with the Chinese researchers and policymakers, as well as organizing workshops and literature review, etc.;
  • Contribute to the activities in the frame of the Joint Research Initiative in Africa "Soil functioning and food production" in terms of literature review, meeting and workshop organizations and liaison with partners;
  • Support the fundraising of projects including project proposal development, contacting and maintaining a dialogue with potential donors, and other work related to fund-raising; and
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor.

Required qualifications and experience

  • Advanced university degree (master's or equivalent) in environmental sciences, soil sciences, hydro-ecology, geo-sciences or other natural sciences in a related field;
  • Minimum one (1) year of work experience in research in the field of environmental sciences, soil sciences, hydro-ecology, or geo-sciences;
  • Candidates with a PhD degree would be desirable;
  • Experience in modelling hydrological processes on site as well as at catchment scale;
  • Experience in soil and water sampling and practical training in soil science and hydrology is required;
  • Experience in drafting and publishing scientific papers;
  • Experience with drafting project proposals is highly desirable;
  • Proficiency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another UN language would be an asset;
  • Ability to work within agreed timelines and to communicate clearly and effectively;
  • Strong motivation and ability to carry out research in an interdisciplinary and international environment;
  • A good team player with strong interpersonal skills demonstrated by the ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity;


Remuneration will commensurate with qualifications and experience of the successful candidate.

Duration of contract

This is full-time employment (40 hours per week) for a fixed period of one (1) year (renewal will be subject to performance and funds availability) on a Personnel Service Agreement (PSA) with UNU-FLORES. The combined duration of appointments shall not exceed six (6) years.
The successful candidate will be employed under a local contract based in Dresden, Germany, and will not hold international civil servant status nor be a "staff member" as defined in the United Nations Staff Rules and Regulations.
Applications from suitably qualified woman candidates and those from developing countries are particularly encouraged.

Starting date

1 April 2015.

Interested applicants should submit their applications by email (to, and must include the following:
  • a cover letter setting out how the qualifications and experience match the requirements of the position;
  • a curriculum vitae and a completed and signed signed UNU Personal History (P.11) form downloadable from UNU website. Please avoid using similar forms provided by other United Nations organizations;
  • full contact information of three (3) referees; and
  • the email subject must comply with the format: Last Name_First Name_RA_2015/UNU/FLORES/PSA/RA/03.

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