Thursday, March 17, 2016

Internship with Youth of United Nations, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Internship with Youth of United Nations, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Closing date: Thursday, 17 March 2016
Internship with Youth of United Nations
Location : Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Application Deadline : 17-Mar-16
Additional Category
Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction
Type of Contract : Internship
Post Level : Intern
Languages Required : English
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract : 3 Months
Expected Duration of Assignment : 3Months
Tanzania is since 2007 piloting the UN Delivering as One reform initiative - also known as the One UN. The overall purpose of this reform is to unify and align in order to more efficiently and effectively deliver results in support of national priorities. Working as one, the UN can have a far greater impact on the development and humanitarian challenges that face the country, avoiding the fragmentation and duplication of efforts seen in the past. By combining the skills and resources of UN Agencies active across the country, the UN can complement the efforts of the Government, civil society, private sector and other development partners by providing policy advice and technical assistance to Tanzania.
The vision of 'Delivering as One' in Tanzania is therefore about being a more effective partner for Government; focusing on the UN's comparative advantage; being strategic about the development areas where the UN prioritizes support; and continuing to support Government on humanitarian issues. In July 2011, the UN in Tanzania entered a new phase of programming, operating under a single business plan, the UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP) 2011-2016. The Plan, the first of its kind in the history of the UN System, captures the entire range of activities supported by the UN system in Tanzania, across ten sectors. A new UNDAP will start in July 2016 and continue the work on Delivering as One in support of Tanzania's Five Year Development Plan.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Communications Specialist, the intern would provide support DaO coordination in the areas communications. The intern office will be located at RCO - Communication Specialist Office:
  • Draft Daily Press Summaries and keep the UNCT updated on key issues;
  • Produce specific content for the UN Tanzania's social media platforms (e.g. blogs, photo competitions, videos�), in the context of specific campaigns or key events (e.g. UN Day, Human Rights Day);
  • Support moderation of UN Tanzania's social media platforms;
  • Keep track of initiatives on other UN agencies' and NGO websites that can be relevant to our work;
  • Assist in organizations of media events and management of website;
  • Assist with dissemination & distribution of periodic publications from the One UN;
  • Organize & Manage UNRCO COAP filing & storage systems;
  • Derive innovative ways to enhance UN & SDGs visibility to the public;
  • Perform other duties as required.

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