Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Volunteers Needed - Mass Rabies Vaccination Campaign 10th till 22nd January 2016

Rabies is the deadliest disease on earth and kills around 59,000
people annually!
A third of these deaths occur in rural Africa and children under 15
and those from poor and marginalised communities make up the
majority of these cases.
The World Health Organisation and OIE World Organisation for Animal
Health advocate a 'One Health' approach to rabies control –
vaccination of at least 70% of the dog population in a rabies-endemic
area prevents the spread of rabies between dogs and its transmission
to people.

In Partnership with the UK based Charity Mission Rabies Mbwa Wa Africa
Animal Rescue will vaccinate 5,000 dogs against rabies in selected
Wards of Meru District and run education programs in primary schools
between the 10th and 22nd January 2016

For our 5 vaccination Teams we will need:
1 Vaccinator
2 Dog Handler
1 Data Collector
1 Driver

All Team Members will receive a 3 day training and full rabies
vaccination before the start of the campaign.

Are you interested and can commit yourself to join the team for the
above period of time?

Please get in touch via jens@mbwa-wa-africa.org

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