Thursday, December 3, 2015

Communication Officer , STAMIGOLD Company Limited - Biharamulo Mine

STAMIGOLD Company Limited - Biharamulo Mine is a subsidiary company of the State Mining Corporation (STAMICO) operating a gold mine. The Mine is located in the Biharamulo Forest Reserve, South West of Mwanza in Kagera Region. In order to run the mine effectively and efficiently, the Company invites applications from qualified candidates to fill the vacancy as detailed below:-

Communication Officer(01)Post

Reporting Line: Head of IT & Public Communication
Work Station: Biharamulo Mine Site
Work Roster: 6/3 (42 days on, 21 days off)
Contract Duration: 24 Months, Subject to Renewal

Interact with the entire Mine site, to ensure sustained development of a Safe and Health Work Environment to ensure that all activities are carried out in conformance with Stamigold policies especially in the cultural, safety and environmental context and all project consent and legislative requirements.

Essential Duties:
Print Materials
Leads the Communication Unit.
Manage creation, production, and dissemination of printed publications for production, development, and administration purposes (such as bi-annual newsletter, annual report, course brochures, etc.).
Manage creation and selection of photography for print and electronic communication Support the development and execution of identity and collateral materials for major organizational initiatives.
Create and Supervise Communication activities schedules and maintain ongoing relationships with graphic designers, mail houses, printers, and photographers.
Manage the Company in-house style manual.
Electronic / New Media
Collaboratively mahage and coordinate creation and update of web-content; responsible for content-related protocols to keep web site up-to-date.
Work with IT and Stamigold staffs to ensure ongoing improvement of website, including phased updates and redesigns.
Implement e-communications for stakeholders and general public.
Provide organization-wide e-communications support; manage Constant Contact database.
Lead Stamigold's efforts to remain up-to-date and effective in electronic communications through convening regular meetings and conversations.
Actively monitor Stamigold online reputation.
Media Relations
Conduct media relations program for selected events or activities
Write and distribute press releases
Maintain media archives
Create and develop media and communication strategy for the Company.
Any other duties in line with your position as assigned by the Supervisor.

Bachelor's degree, preferably in journalism, Mass Communications or related field
3 - 5 years' experience in the same field
Excellent written and verbal skills
Creative thinking and problem solving skills
Ability to work effectively with multiple individuals and manage several projects at once
The position will attract a competitive salary package, which will include excellent benefits


All interested candidates are invited to submit or send their applications by December 18, 2015.
Applicants should not apply more than once for the same position.
Write the position title on of the envelop.

All applications should be addressed to:
The General Manager,
P.O. Box 78508,
Dar es Salaam.

Stamigold offers equal employment opportunities to qualified men and women, only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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