Monday, December 21, 2015

Business Development Advisor

SNV is a non-profit international development organisation. Founded in
the Netherlands nearly 50 'years ago, we have built a long-term, local
presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners
to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools,
knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain
access to basic services- empowering them to break the cycle of poverty
and guide their own development

SNV has worked in Tanzania since the 1971 and currently has offices in
Oar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha, Sumbawanga and Iringa. In
alignment with our Corporate Strategy, SNV Tanzania focuses on three
sectors namely Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Water, Hygiene
and Sanitation (WaSH). .

SNV Tanzania is currently implementing a portlolio of agricultural projects
with various partners and donors to strengthen value chain actors in red
meat, dairy, edible oilseeds and staple foods as well as promoting inclusive
business arrangements between smallholder farmers and large
enterprises. The objective is to enhance food security, improve the
livelihoods of smallholders, and strength the environmental sustainability of
agricultural production in the face of a changing climate

Project Summary
SNV works with local based development partners, other civil society
organizations, government institutions and businesses to develop the
capacities of local communities. SNV, with funding from the Swiss Agency
for Development and .Cooperation (SDC), will run a 31 month project
(February 2016-July 2018) that aims to stimulate Opportunities for Youth
Employment (DYE) in the Central Corridor of Tanzania. This is an
expansion of the current MasterQard Foundation-funded DYE project that
SNV has been implementing since 2013. The project will connect
approximately 6,000 rural youth (aged 18-30 years) to potentially interesting
employment opportunities in the agricuHure (crops and livestock),
renewable energy (solar, biogas, Improved cook stoves, and
briquettes), and water & sanitation (rural water supply and latrines)
sectors, as employees and entrepreneurs. The project's geographical focus
encompasses the regions of Dodoma, Singida, Manyara, Tabora, and

Overview of the Position
The Youth Skills Development Advisor will be based in Dodoma and form
part of the SDC Opportunities for Youth Employment (DYE) implementation
team operating in the Central Corridor of Tanzania (Dodoma, Manyara,
Sing ida, Shinyanga, and Tabora Regions). The advisor is expected to lead
the youth skills development component of the project related to basic life
skills, technical skills, ICT skills, leadership skills, internships, mentorship,
and career guidance, aiming to increase the employability of youth for
(self)-employment in the Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Water &
Sanitation sectors. .

Key Responsibilities
Lead the process of identifying concrete market-based opportunities for
youth-led enterprise development and (self)-employment in the three
sectors of SNV, and within the 5 regions of the Central Corridor.
Provide support to, and manage Local Service Providers (LSPs)
contracted by SNV for implementation of the business skills and
enterprise development component of the project.
Contribute to monitoring and evaluation of project activities
Maintain close coordination with other SNV CQileagues working in the
RE, AG, and WaSH sectors in Tanzania.

The advisor will work in close coordination with other DYE teams
in-country to identify and harmonise skills development and training
opportunities and methodologies, and contribute to leaming/knowledge
To maintain effective relations and coordination with all project
stakeholders, especially private sector actors.

BA or Master's Degree in Business Management, Enterprise
Development, or any related field
At least 5 years' relevant experience with business/enterprise
development .
Affinity with engaging productive sectors in skills development
strategies for out-of-school youth
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;
Excellent interpersonal skills including patience, diplomacy, willingness
to listen and respect for colleagues and outside contacts
Computer literate (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
Passion for working with youth

Desired Skills and attitude
Business/enterprise development skills
Organization skills and time management - professional approach to
personal time planning and respect for deadlines;

Able to work comfortably and effectively with or without supervision,
either at own initiative or under direction, demonstrating creativity. and
Able to work with sub-contracted service providers
Able to work with private sector companies
As project team member advises the Project Manager on project
implementation matters.
Adheres to all SNV Tanzania procedures, guidelines and work

Acts on a multi-region level (Central Corridor of Tanzania).
Contributes to the development of the DYE strategy in Tanzania.
Supports other project team members

Languages: Fluent in English and Kiswahili

Duty station: Dodoma, Tanzania

Contract Type: National Staff Employee

Contract Duration: Two years

Desired Start Date: 1 st February 2016


How to apply?
Please send your application letter and CV, together with an indication of your current salary and compensation package, via
before 30th January 2016

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