Friday, May 8, 2015

Centre Director (x 4)

Centre Director (x 4)
Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism established by Act No. 5 of 1980 with a broad mandate of conducting and coordinating research in all aspects of forest Production and Utilization. TAFORI with its Headquarters at Kingolwira in Morogoro Municipality has seven Research Centres located at: Kibaha, Lushoto, Moshi, Dodoma, Tabora, Malya and Mufindi. Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) invites qualified Tanzanians to fill the following vacant post.
Post - Centre Director (4 Posts) ( re advertised)PRSS 7.1 1.1
Holder of Ph.D. degree in forestry or related Biological Sciences from a recognized University who attained a minimum of an Upper Second Class Honors degree at undergraduate level with at least 8 years of research experience, 6 years of administrative experience and at least 8 retrievable scientific publications refereed in recognized Journal(s).
Holder of M.Sc. degree in Forestry or related Biological Sciences from a recognized University who attained a minimum of an Upper Second Class Honors' degree at undergraduate level with more than 8 years of research experience, 5 years of administrative experience and at least 8 good scientific publications refereed in recognized Journal(s). Must possess knowledge in Computer programs applicable in research data processing and analysis.

Personal Attributes
Able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of principles of new public management and familiar with research reforms. Good leadership skills and qualities. Able to communicate with proven interpersonal skills. Experience in the critical management skills of transformation leadership, action planning, performance and total quality management, team building, decision making, problem solving and change management

Main Duties and Responsibilities

Accounting Officer of the Centre.

Responsible to the Director General on all Financial, Administrative/Human Resources and Research matters of the Centre.
In charge for planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling of the activities of the Centre.
Ensures the Center's research and other administrative activities are of the highest quality and order and reflect the Institute's priorities
Responsible for interpretation and implementation of technical, financial and administrative/Human Resources policies/directives/guidelines given by the Institute.
Prepares financial and Human Resource estimates for the Centre.
Prepares quarterly/annual reports on the Centre's activities.
Identifies and initiates research and development program proposals and submit recommendations to the Director General.
Any other duties related to official responsibilities assigned by the supervisor.

General Conditions:
All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania.
Applicants must attach an up-to-date current Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contact, postal address, e-mail and telephone numbers.
Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement.
Applicants must attach their detailed relevantcertified copies of academic certificates: -
Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates. -
Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/ Diploma transcripts. -
Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates -
Computer training Certificates. -
One recent passport size photo -
Copy of birth certificate.
Testimonial, partial transcripts and results slips will not be accepted

Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will necessitate legal action.
Applicants currently employed in the public service should route their application letters through their respective employers.
Applicants who have/were retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
Certificates from foreign examination bodies for ordinary or advanced level of Secondary School Education should be certified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA)
Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
Application letters should be handwritten in English.
The applicant's age should not exceed 45 years by July, 2015.

The post attract excellent remuneration according to the Government Salary PRSS 7.1 and other benefits attached to the Post


Application letters hand delivery or by email is not acceptable.
Deadline for application is fourteen (14) days from the first appearance of this advertisement in the newspapers.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and informed of the date for the interview

Applicants who applied for this post in the first advertisement need not to reapply.
Women are highly encouraged to apply

Director General, Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), Plot No. 1 Block A/MG/LD 664, Morogoro - Dar es Salaam Highwayapply.

Kingolwira, P. O. Box 1854,
Tel: 255 23 260 44 98 Fax: 255 23 260 37 25 E-mail:

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