Monday, April 27, 2015

Female Future (FF) Coordinator

Female Future (FF) Coordinator

The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) formerly known as the Federation of Tanganyika Employers (FTE) is Tanzania's apex employers' organization It was formed in 1960 to represent few private employers. ATE is registered and recognized under the Employment and Labour Relations Act (No.6 of 2004) as an Employers Union in Tanzania. It represents employers in all sectors of the national economy excluding the civil service. ATE, the Government and the Trade Unions form the Tripartite Forum which addresses all industrial relations and labour related issues at sectoral and national levels.
ATE is an active member of national, regional, continental and international organizations like: Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), East African Business Council (EABC), SADC Private Sector Forum (SPSF), Business Africa and International Organization of Employers (IOE). The Association has more than 1,300 registered members from all sectors of the national economy, of which 70% are based in Dar es Salaam and the remaining are scattered in regions of Tanzania Mainland. It has also a Zonal Office in Arusha to cater for members in Northern Tanzania.

Female Future (Ff) Coordinator
ATE in collaboration with its partner, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) will be implementing a Programme called FEMALE FUTURE which is a highly successful empowerment programme for women executives developed by NHO that has been adapted to the context of several African countries, and is successfully being offered to help women boost their careers and in turn increase enterprise productivity and support the government's initiatives that focus on the alleviation of gender inequality in economy, education, training and employment at all levels. The FF Coordinator will also be expected to handle the Human Resources aspects of the Project such as services that companies are interested in, develop its capacity to deliver these, broaden the revenue base and generally expand its range of demand-driven services to its members.

Implement the strategic and operational plans as approved to Organize Female Future Programs
Marketing and selling the program
Organising Networking meetings
Organising Annual Women's Leadership Conferences
Coordinating the development of the program content
Manage the day- to-day activities of the project.
Generate Knowledge and evidence to enable the effective running of the program
Ensuring the sustainability of the project
Policy recommendation and implementation
Resource Mobilization
Perform any other duties as may be given by the Executive Director from time to time

Knowledge and skills essential
Project Management, Report Writing, Corporate communication, Public Relations, Research working Knowledge,
Managing meetings, Training and facilitation skill working Knowledge

Personal Character traits
Passionate about the project, Easy to work along with and amiable, Proactive, Confident personality, Cost conscious,
Mature mentally, emotionally and spiritually, Patient, Team player, Conscious about the environment in which women

Postgraduate degree from any recognized University
Training in Women studies
At least five years working experience

Attractive package will be offered to the right candidates.


For consideration, please submit your detailed CV, names of three referees (not relatives), copies of certificates, testimonials and a cover letter to reach the undersigned by 8th May 2015.
Executive Director, Association of Tanzania Employers, SSTL Group Building, 1st Floor, Dunga Street, Kinondoni,
Block 42, P.O. Box 2971, Dar es Salaam. 

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