Saturday, March 21, 2015

Consultancy for Establishing a sector expertise in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Consultancy for Establishing a sector expertise in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Consulting Services:
Consultancy for Establishing a sector
expertise in Renewable Energy and
Energy Efficiency
Deadline: March 25th 2015:
Country the consultancy shall mostly take please in PTA Bank's
Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya
Ref-N°: 31607 Pre-qualification
Ref.: International, open Tender for establishing a sector
expertise in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Project measures:
KfW and PTA Bank agreed to pursue the common goal of
assisting the development of renewable energy and energy
efficiency in Africa by providing financing for investments in
renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. To this
end, a loan agreement was signed between KfW and PTA
Bank, accompanied by technical assistance measures for
establishing appropriate sector expertise in Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency projects at PTA Bank.
The quality of the market review, the number of the identified
investments opportunities, the relevancy of the recommended
processes and procedures, as well as the readiness
of the developed tools and templates are among the performance
indicators that we be considered by the Bank to post
evaluate the project
Requested Consultant services:
The main objectives of this assignment is for the PTA Bank to
(i) get an overview of the regulatory framework and market
envi-ronment for renewable energy projects and for investments in
energy efficiency in selected countries and
(ii) adapt its own in-ternal processes, procedure, and tool to this sector.
This pre-qualification for consulting services will be guided by the
latest version of the „Guidelines for the Assignment of Consultants
in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries" (refer to homepage of KfW
Development Bank It is foreseen to
assign the services to an independent consultant firm with
proven experience in the Re-newable Energy and Energy Efficiency and the Africa.
The minimum annual turnover shall exceed EUR 1,000,000. Further
in-formation is available in the annex / will be made available
upon request under the following address:

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