Monday, February 9, 2015

Senior Human Resources Officer

Senior Human Resources Officer
The UTT Microfinance Plc (UTT-MFI) is a public financial institution promoted  by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania,  under the ambit of the Ministry of Finance. The UTT MFI which commenced its business operations on 1st July, 2013; was incorporated on 28th June, 2013 as a public company limited by shares under the Companies Act (Cap 212), to implement Government policies on the matters relating  to economic empowerment of the majority middle and low income Tanzanians. UTT MFI came into being as a result of the reorganization of Unit Trust of Tanzania (UTT) into three functional and independent companies.

The vision of UTT-MFI is "To be the leading Microfinance provider of quality and inclusive financial services in Tanzania"; while its  Mission is "To provide a sustainable and inclusive customer focused financial services network in Tanzania, thereby stimulating economic growth and empowerment using appropriate technology in a professional and ethical environment."

The UTT Microfinance Plc now invites qualified, competent and energetic Tanzanians with outstanding work ethics and integrity to apply for the following vacant positions:

1. Job Title: Senior Human Resources Officer
Reference NO. UTT-MFI/SHRO/0115/02

1.1 Reports to: Director of Human Resources

1.2 Job Summary:

Support the Director of Human Resources and UTT MFI Management to develop appropriate people strategies and solutions to meet business requirements. Assists the Director of Human Resources on planning and implementation of Directorate's Annual Plans and prepare quarterly implementation report for subsequent submission to the Management. Provides specialized Human Resource Management services  in day to day management of human capital in alignment with UTT-MFI strategic objectives.

1.3 Key duties and responsibilities:

i. Assists the Director of Human Resources in managing the Human Resources Directorate by formulating short and long term work programs and supervises  implementation of such programs;
ii. Interprets laws, Rules and Regulations governing the public Service Human Resource Management;
iii. Assist the Director of Human Resources in establishing and reviewing the Company's Human Resource policies and procedures to guide the management of people at work place;  and takes measures to ensure that such regulations, policies and procedures are adhered to throughout the Company;
iv. Oversees all aspects of human resources management – including staff recruitment & placement,  performance management training & development, staff welfare, staff Incentive, discipline, separation , etc. – in accordance with the UTT MFI's human resource management policies and systems;
v. Advices Directorates/ Functional Units on proper management of human resources, and in dealing with specific cases of staff matters;
vi. Deals with industrial relations and welfare matters, and ensures that the Company is properly represented when interfacing with external parties on employee-related matters;
vii. Oversee all issues relating to training and staff development matters, and ensures that the Company has a dynamic training program for its staff every financial year;
viii. Takes measures to ensure there is constant communication between the UTT MFI's Management and Staff on employee-related issues;
ix. Assist Director Of Human Resources in planning and implementation of Annual plans and targets and prepare quarterly implementation report for subsequent submission to the management;
x. Assist Director of Human Resources in making sure that Every Individual has a signed Job Description and work Targets for the respective financial year.
xi. Performs any other duty as may be signed by the Supervisor/ CEO.

1.4 Qualifications & Experience:

Qualifications: The holder of this position must have a degree in Public Administration, Human Resources Management, Sociology and Law , plus a Master's Degree in Human Resources Management, Public Administration; or Business Administration; majoring in Human Resources Management.

Experience: at least five (5) years of work experience since obtaining those qualifications.

1.      General Conditions:

a)      All the above positions carry an attractive remunerations package;
b)      Entry point will depend on a candidate's qualifications and experience.
2.      Mode of Application:

Ø  All interested persons are required to apply attaching to their applications current Curriculum Vitae (CV), copies of academic certificates & transcript; including names and full communication addresses (including contact phone numbers) of three referees who can testify to the applicant's academic abilities, working experience and character.
Ø  Please send your applications in an envelope clearly marked as "Application for employment at UTT-MFI", quoting the relevant job reference number such that the same reaches not later than 5.00 p.m. on Monday, 23rd February, 2015 to the following address:-
The Chief Executive Officer
UTT Microfinance Plc,
Sukari House, Ground Floor,
Sokoine Drive/Ohio Street,
P. O. Box 5474,
Dar es Salaam.
a.      UTT-MFI is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates from disempowered group are encouraged to apply;
b.      Only short listed candidates will be contacted;
c.       Hand delivered applications will not be accepted;
d.      Applicants are warned not to make phone calls, physical or e-mail enquiries other than applying through the mode outlined above.  Any such breach will result in immediate disqualification.

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