Sunday, February 22, 2015



Senior Research Fellow for Data and Informatics

DFID is seeking to fill this position with a candidate able to provide scientific leadership and assist in DFID's engagement with the research communities in International Development. We recruit leading scientists, academics and researchers to fill these types of role. Experts and researchers in the Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organisations are also encouraged to apply. For full details on the role and on how to apply please refer to the documents below.
Closing date for the receipt of applications is 3pm on 20 February 2015

DFID Research Advisory Group Member Vacancies

DFID is seeking to fill 2 vacancies on its independent external Research Advisory Group (RAG) in Humanitarian Research for Development and Education Research for Development. Candidates should have expertise and experience in:
  • Humanitarian Research for Development: Humanitarian disasters and emergencies research relevant to international development
  • Education Research for Development: Delivering educational interventions in developing countries and education research relevant to international development
The RAG provides independent scientific advice to the DFID and reports to the DFID Chief Scientific Adviser. The provision of independent scientific advice by the RAG assists DFID to assure the quality and appropriateness of Research and Evidence Division's research portfolio for DFID's objectives.

Closing date extended until 5pm (UK time) on 23 February 2015.

This post is an exciting and challenging opportunity, to help take forward the work of DFID on climate change as part of the Tanzania's Sustainable Growth Team and work in collaboration with government and other development partners. We require a strong communicator who has the proven ability to network with key stakeholders, influence decisions and drive agendas forward. You will be someone who is knowledgeable about climate change policy and practice, particularly in areas such as adaptation, building resilience and low carbon development. You will enjoy taking the initiative, excel at managing programmes effectively to deliver results, and will be confident in dealing with senior officials and Ministers in Government, development partners, contractors and civil society partners.
The deadline for the submission of applications is 12 noon on Friday 6 March 2015.
DFID Uganda seeks to recruit a motivated, dynamic and experienced individual to fill the vacancy of Senior Governance Adviser, you will bepart of DFID Uganda's Governance, Security and Humanitarian (GSH) Team. The successful candidate will provide expert advice on Uganda's governance context and policies, design and lead governance programmes for DFIDUganda.
Closing date for submission of applications is 5pm on Friday 6 March 2015.
The UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID) Zimbabwe, wishes to appoint a Livelihoods Adviser. This post will initially be for a fixed term of 2 years – with the possibility of an extension thereafter. Under the leadership of the Team Leader, who will provide professional oversight and backstopping support. You will report directly to the Team Leader, Wealth Creation and Vulnerability team.
Closing date for application is 12 noon on 13 March 2015.

Recruitment process

Before you apply for a job with us, please read the following guidance on core competencies, assessment centres, security clearance and travel costs:

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