Thursday, February 5, 2015

Finance Manager (x 2)

Finance Manager (x 2)
The Vocational education and Training Authority (VETA) is an autonomous Government Agency established by the Act of parliament No. 1 of 1994. VETA is responsible for regulating, coordinating financing and providing Vocational Education and Training in Tanzania. VETA is an opportunity organization

The Authority is looking for qualified, competent, dynamic and committed Tanzanians to fill the following vacancies:

Reporting to: Director of Finance

Location: VETA Head Office

(a) Direct Entry Qualification

i) Holder of Masters, Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Accountancy from a recorgnized University/Institution
ii) Must possess full professional accountancy qualification CPA (T) or its equivalent
iii) Must have at least five years experience in similar positions
iv) Registered by the National Board English and Swahili languages
v) Knowledge of Computerized Accounting system - Navision Dynamics is an added advantage

(b) Key role

The Finance Manager (FM) provides the overall vision and strategic leadership to the programme support and management activities of the Head office /Zone. FM deals with, qualitative management and plays a key role in facilitating the Head Office/Zone in planning and implementation resource mobilization, and financial accountability. FM also takes a key facilitates and implementation role in the Head Office/ Zone Office/Centres area of finance and staff development. Facilitating the Head office/Zone in Planning and implementation role in the Head office/Zone Office/Cetres areas of finance and staff development

(c) Specific Responsibility

i. Facilitates the coordination and formulation of annual/yearly work plans that direct how the Head office/zone will be implemented, financed, monitored and documented systematically; on
ii. Provides timely and quality advice and support to the Director of Finance, members and staff on finance issues during the course of planning, implementing and monitoring the different activities in the Head office/Zone
iii. Ensures effective coordination of the development, Implementation and monitoring or sustainable Head office/Zone development
iv. Participates in planning, coordinating, implementing and monitoring of the day to day activities in the areas of managing finances; and
v. Assist the director of Finance in facilitating Head Office finance Department meetings and any other relevant forum

(d) Finance and Accounting

• Advises the director of finance on financial issues and informs on the status of the Head office and zones through preparations of periodic reports and consultations
• Serves as the Financial Controller and Accountable officer for managing and monitoring effective maintenance of books of accountants for the Head office
• Participates in the (Coordinates and facilitates preparation of financial reports for relevant actors within and outside the authority on periodic basis
• Participates in the formulation, review and management of financial/accounting policies and operating procedures/tools as well as in the management of the accounting systems
• Co-ordinates and supports the auditing processes of the Head office/zone accounts once every year, and supports the finance staff at Head office/zone cost a centres in their day to day work including verification and review of accounting records on a perieodic basis, and
• Participates in the facilitation and coordination of the development and implementation of resources mobilization strategies and management of the budgeting process to ensure financial sustainability of the Head office/Zone
• Control cash flow Management by monitoring the movement of VETA funds through block funding for optimum utilization of Revenue
• Mentor and Coaches Bursars & Accountants


i. Application letters enclosed with CVs indicating names and addresses of three referees, copies of relevant academic transcript and certificates should be addressed to the undersigned
ii. Only applicants with requirements qualification for these posts will be considered
iii. Only short listed candidates will be contracted

"VETA is an equal opportunity organization, women are highly encouraged to apply"

The applications should reach office of the undersigned latest by 23rd February 2015

The director General
Vocational education and Training Authority
P.O. Box 2849
Dar es salam

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