Friday, December 19, 2014


UZIKWASA is a non-government organization that operates in Pangani District, Tanga Region. In the 10 years since its inception, UZIKWASA has established a dynamic relationship with the local communities through integrated programs in HIV/AIDS, Gender and Transformative Leadership and Culture. UZIKWASA's vision of long-term development is through participatory approaches and promotion of interventions that emphasise self-reliance and actively engage people in driving their own development agenda. In order to achieve this UZIKWASA has been developing and implementing an innovative integrated grassroots intervention model in the area of gender justice and transformative leadership. This includes a multimedia rural communication campaign with integrated media that foster ongoing community dialogue on key development issues.  UZIKWASA runs its own community radio station, Pangani FM, which is a key component in UZIKWASA's communication efforts. The programme comprises a comprehensive impact and process monitoring system that draws on standard M&E approaches as well as stand alone research components in order to accurately reflect changing social norms and embedded behaviours over time.  This includes an integrated impact tracking approach through implementation of a community-based, longitudinal qualitative diary study, Serial Participatory Action Research (SPAR) and a case study data base. Regular radio listener group interviews are part of the M&E system and new community feed back mechanisms for the radio are currently under development.

We are looking for an energetic Tanzanian with evidence of a strong M&E and qualitative research background for he position of:

Monitoring & Evaluation /Research Officer


The candidate will work with a creative team of program and radio staff and will be supported by the UZIKWASA communications program manager , and an external research consultant. S/he will provide technical oversight of all M&E activities and ensure that monitoring approaches are continuously adapted and improved in order to reflect the ongoing learning process from the implementation of program activities, including tracking and responding to changing community needs.

Specifically s/he will:
Ensure regular collection of diary study, serial participatory action research and case studies.
Conduct refresher training of diarists and establish productive relationship with the community-based team.
Perfom data entry in NVIVO software and conduct ongoing data analysis.and share with researcher for finalisation
Work with the radio team to ensure that radio monitoring is carried out and documentation done
Adhere  to professional ethics with regards to the various research activities In collaboration with  the program and radio team and ensure the development and use of appropriate feed back systems/ tools from the community by using the radio.
Maintain effective partnerships with community members involved in the M&E activities as well as collaborators at District level and beyond.
Ensure strong documentation and dissemination of results  through publication in peer reviewed journals as well as other sharing mechanisms.

The successful candidate will be confident in working with a creative team and committed to developing sustainable programmes to prompt real and lasting change amongst rural communities.  S/he will possess strong qualitative research skills, including previous exposure to data analysis approaches. Previous experience in ,writing up research findings in peer-reviewed journals (or the potential to develop these skills) and prior exposure to and familiarity with NVIVO qualitative data analysis software are desirable.  S/he will also embrace innovation and creativity in the design of program and M&E systems in additions to standard process and impact tracking methods. The successful candidate will also demonstrate their willingness to learn and share new approaches, to critically reflect on their own work and to learn to facilitate organisational learning and transformational intervention approaches.

This requires an open mind, ability to "think out of the box" in providing and receiving feedback and facilitate critical and constructive output reviews. S/he will be keen to work in an environment which emphasises the values of shared  learning and innovation and be willing to further UZIKWASA's goal towards the successful establishment of a learning site for grassroots interventions.  

Degree in social science plus a minimum of 5 years experience in qualitative research methodologies or  Masters in social science with 3 years experience is a requirement of this post along with demonstrable, practical knowledge of NVIVO software for qualitative research.

Applications: Send hard copies of your C.V and at least two letters of reference;. a statement of not more than one page on your experience related to the job you are seeking, and why you want to work in this position; UZIKWASA is an equal opportunity employer, female candidates are encouraged to apply. Deadline  for applications is January  15, 2015. If you need any more information about the position please email to:

The Human Resource Manager, UZIKWASA P.O Box 1, Pangani;

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