Friday, November 14, 2014


Grade: S84/3
Duty Station: Dar-es-Salaam
Post Type: Service Contract - One Year Initially (Renewable)

Organizational Context
Under the overall supervision of the Assistant Representative, and direct supervision of the Programme
Specialist -Health Systems,the Programme Analyst will work closely with the Sexual and Reproductive
HealthTeam and the larger UNFPA Programme and Operations Teams using UNFPA's Strategic Plan and national systems and tools to deliver development results. The Programme Analyst substantively contributes to the effective management of UNFPA activities in the areas of sexual reproductive health with a strong emphasis on Family Planning and Maternal Health. S/he analyzes and assesses relevant political, social and economic trends and provides substantive inputs to programme formulation,
monitoring, and evaluation within national development frameworks and the UN Delivering as One (DaO) context. The incumbent facilitates the delivery of UNFPA's Tanzania Family Planning and Maternal Health programmes aspects by ensuring the application of effective programme planning, monitoring and evaluation to track implementation and provide the ongoing feedback required for performance excellence and continuous organizational learning; identifying programmatic bottlenecks in implementation and devising strategies to address them. S/he ensures and guides the appropriate application of systems and procedures and develops enhancements if necessary.

The Programme Analyst builds strong collaborative relationships with counterparts in government,
multi-lateral and bi-lateral donor agencies and civil society to support the effective implementation of the programme. In all activities, s/he fosters dialogue, collaboration with the country office programme team and shares information with all concerned UNFPA Tanzania country office. S/he links the Country Office with .national and subnational partner address emerging Issues in the field of Family Planning and Maternal Health and ensures that technical knowledge is updated, generated, collected and disseminated for effective technical and policy dialogues.To this end the Programme
Analyst has the following functions as per detailed Terms of Reference posted on the UNFPA Tanzania
Country Office website accessible via URL


Applicants are kindly requested to send their OJ and P11 form which can be accessed through (http:// along with a cover letter to UNFPA Office in Dar es Salaam bye-mail through APPLY NOW below .

Please indicate in the cover letter the post reference clearly, otherwise your application may not be considered. Applicants will be short-listed on the basis of their qualifications and work experience. Only the short-listed candidates will be invited for interview. UNFPA is an equal opportunity employer.

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