Saturday, November 29, 2014

Jobs at Arusha International Conference Centre - Nov 2014

Jobs at Arusha International Conference Centre - Nov 2014
The Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) was established under the Public Corporations Act No. 17 of 1969 by a Presidential Order through Government Notice number 115, published on 25th
August, 1978. The Centre is wholly owned by the Government of United Republic ofTanzania and operates under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation.

The AICC was established to manage and control the Headquarters' complex of the defunct East African Community in Arusha which belonged to the defunct East African Community. It also owns Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre as per Arusha International Conference Centre (Amendment) Order of 2014, dated 19th March, 2014; and provide facilities and services on the complex for purposes of conferences, meetings, seminars ete.

The Centre invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill in the below mentioned vacant posts-

Customer Relations Officer II (ONE POST)

Answerable to Senior Customer Relations Officer

Holder of a Bachelor Degree/Advanced Diploma in Journalism,
Public Relations, Mass Communication, or any degree in Social
Sciences with a major in communication from a recognized University/Institution.

At least three (3) years working experience
Must be computer literate

Duties & Responsibilities ,
Maintain good customer relationship and to ensure that the service delivery to the Centre's customers is of excellent quality.
Oversee the development of relationships between external customer and internal customers, and ensure that follow-up-schedules and deadlines are met
Ensuring that enough enquiries are being translated into bookings to meet the targeted numbers in the plan
Work with other staff to solve problems that might arise from complaints and pitfalls in customer communication
Keeping accurate records of discussions or correspondence with
Analyzing statistics or other date to determine the level of customer service provided by the Centre
Respond to queries raised by the customers in an ethical and informative way
Give appropriate and relevant information to the customers
Update any requests made by the customers into the systems so as to complete the task
Analyze the customer feedback and identify the root cause and problem
Learning about Centre's products or services and keeping up to date with changes
Creating, maintaining, improving, changing or repairing the corporate image of the Centre
Performing any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned by the Senior Customer relations Officer
Security Officer II 
Location > Arusha

Holder of a Bachelor Degree of law or related field from a
recognized University/Institution and must have undergone
Military, Police, prisons or Immigration basic training with
knowledge and understanding of procedures, regulations,
policies and laws governing security and safety
At least three (3) years working experience
Must be computer literate

Duties & Responsibilities
Monitor standard procedures in respect of legal, security and safety of the Centre'S properties, tenants, clients and employees
Prepare annual appraisals of legal, security and safety systems
Maintain security of assets and properties of the Centre
Authenticate items coming and going out of premises
Report to Senior Legal and Security Officer of any unusual events that endanger Centre's properties;
Control movement of visitors to arid from the premises with the aim of preventing burglary and theft;
Carry out inspection around the premises
Interpreting, reviewing and updating various legal documents such as regulations, order, powers, etc. issued by the Centre under its Establishment Order
Keeping a breast with any new changes in Law that apply to the Centre's operations
Ensuring that on-going, litigation and arbitration are duly attended to without undue delay and in a cost effective manner;
Preparing all legal drafts/documents, regulations, order, or directions required to be issued by the Centre in accordance with its Establishment Order.
Providing legal interpretations or legal opinions/advice on any matter that require to be so interpreted
To perform any duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned by Senior Legal and Security Officer.

General terms and Conditions
Terms of Employment: Permanent and pensionable/Contract
An attractive package commensurate with the qualifications and
relevant experience will be availed to the successful candidate.

 Principal Maintenance Technician - Civil II 
Location > Arusha 

Answerable to: Maintenance Officer II

Qualification & Experience
Form VI certificate of Secondary Education
Holder of Full Technician Certificate and Diploma in Civil
Engineering or its equivalent from recognized institution
Nine (9) years work experience in a similar position in a reputable organization/institution

Duties and Responsibilities
Assist in the maintenance and repair of Centre's facilities
Assist in monitoring all work being performed, by outside contractors
Responsible for 24 hour emergency maintenance services
Ensuring inspections of residential houses conferences and offices are done according to the laid down procedures
Monitor and maintain all building systems as assigned
Ensuring that maintenance repair and new works are done properly and professionally .
Recommend repairs and replacement of workout or damaged property ,
Prepare schedule of works and estimates for repairs/maintenance and new works
Prepare weekly monthly and quarterly plans for repair/maintenance and works
Keeping records for every maintenance/repair and new works undertaken
Performing any other duties relevant to the scope of work that may be assigned by Maintenance Officer II

General terms and Conditions
Terms of Employment: Permanent and pensionable/Contract
An attractive package commensurate with the qualifications and
relevant experience will be availed to the successful candidate.


Letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates, testimonials, names and email addresses of three referees should be sent to the below mentioned postal address,

The Managing Director
Arusha International Conference Centre
East africa Rd, Box 3081, Arusha

Deadline: 19 Dec 2014

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