Thursday, November 20, 2014

Executive Secretary - Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO)

Executive Secretary - Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO) Notice of appointment of Executive Secretary of Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO)

The Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO) is launching a recruitment notice for the position of Executive Secretary of PAFO. This position is classified in the category of senior management of an international organization.

I. Presentation of PAFO

For several years, the sub-regional networks of farmers' organizations and agricultural producers in Southern Africa, Central Africa, from East Africa, West African and the Maghreb work together on issues of continental interest and having a significant impact on African agriculture with the aim of making the voice of farmers and agricultural producers in Africa to be heard, and to promote their involvement in the development and implementation of development policies that affect agriculture and rural development at continental level.

The five sub-regional networks have agreed to the establishment of the Pan-African platform of farmers' organizations and agricultural producers. The African Union (AU) support the process of creating PAFO by agreeing to sponsor the organization process of the Constituent Assembly on the sidelines of the Conference of African Ministers responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development (CAMA), held in Lilongwe, Malawi from 27 to 29 October 2010.

At the end of the PAFO's General Assembly, the first elected office was mandated to implement the Executive Secretariat, to render PAFO functional and operational and negotiate partnerships necessary for the life of the organization and objectives to improve agriculture and living conditions of farmers and rural.

Members of PAFO are five (5) regional organizations of small farmers in Africa which are: EAFF (Eastern African Farmers Federation) PROPAC (Regional Platform of Peasant Organizations and Producers in Central Africa); ROPPA (Network of Peasant Organizations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa); SACAU (Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions) UMAGRI (North African Farmers' Union)

The governing bodies of PAFO are organized by the statutes of PAFO as follows:

i. The General Assembly (GA), composed of all member organizations of networks PAFO, which elects the Board of Directors and appoints its Chairman;

ii. The Board, chaired by the President, who is responsible for the conduct of PAFO;

iii. The Executive Secretariat, responsible for daily management of the organization;

The headquarters of PAFO is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

II. Responsibilities of the position

Under the authority of the Board, the Executive Secretary is the Coordinator of the Executive Secretariat of PAFO; as such he is responsible for:

i. The implementation of policies and programs of PAFO;

ii. The administrative and financial procedures in accordance with PAFO ;

iii. Ensure the management of financial resources and assets of PAFO;

iv. Ensure the preparation of annual budget estimates and implementation of approved budgets;

v. Convene the statutory meetings of the Board;

vi. Ensure the holding of the minutes of meetings (ex-officio);

vii. To support the work at the various meetings of PAFO;

viii. Ensure the preparation of annual programs for meetings of PAFO and implementation;

ix. Prepare and make available to the board and General Assembly, all needed documentation including annual reports and financial statements of PAFO the year for the General Assembly;

x. Linking PAFO and other international organizations on issues of common interest;

xi. Search Partners for fund-raising;

xii. Ensure that the operation of PAFO is consistent with the laws of the host country;

xiii. Work permanently in the achievement of PAFO;

xiv. Ensure the administration of PAFO, both in terms of financial and human resources;

xv. Studying the various technical problems that are submitted by the Board and related to the development of agricultural sectors in Africa;

xvi. Propose solutions to problems that members face in carrying out their activities and the implementation of their partnership relations;

xvii. Assist the Chairman of the Board of PAFO in the management of the representation and communication of PAFO;

xviii. Ensure the conservation of archives of PAFO

III. Qualification and skills:

The candidate must :

i. Be a citizen of a country member of an African country;

ii. Be 35 years old and at least 55 years;Have a relevant university degree, at least MBA/MSC (at least five years university) or equivalent in agricultural economics or social sciences, management sciences or equivalent;

iii. Have a perfect knowledge of English and French and knowledge of Arabic and /or Portuguese and/or Spanish would be an advantage;

iv. Demonstrate a proven track record of at least five (5) years to a position of high responsibility in an important organization of the same nature:

- In Agricultural Economics and management of an organization important for both financial and human resources, particularly in an international context;

- In staff management in a diverse and multicultural and stressing environment;

- In preparation of annual budgets and execution of approved budgets

- In organization of international meetings;

v. Have a capacity or experience in mobilization of resources, research funding, partnerships with funding agencies and developing reports for donors.

vi. Supervision and management of information technology;

vii. Have an conceptual, methodical, analytical and monitoring skills;

viii. Be demanding in objectives and results;

ix. Be dynamic, collaborative, and open-minded;

x. Act with integrity and rigor;

xi. Demonstrate autonomy in work;

xii. Have a sense of general interest;

xiii. Be healthy and have a physical resistance to frequent travel abroad;

xiv. Have excellent writing skills and oral expression;

xv. Have a good knowledge of tools and common software (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

IV. Contract Period

The contract will be concluded for a period of 03 years renewable depending on performances after evaluation of the board.

V. Remuneration:

The level of compensation to be offered will depend on the experience of the candidate and his qualifications, and will be comparable to similar positions in other international organizations of a similar nature.


All candidates seeking this position are required to submit an application containing the following:

i. A letter of motivation signed by the candidate addressed to the President of the Board;

ii. An extract of birth certificate or other document equivalent ;

iii. A copy of highest degree

iv. A certificate of nationality or document equivalent;

v. A detailed curriculum vitae, including certificates of experience and the credentials of the candidate (work certificates);

vi. Letters of recommendation;

VII. Steps of recruitment

Recruitment will take place in two (2) phases:

A pre-selection phase on record;
A phase of selection interviews.

VIII. Preselection

Three candidates will be shortlisted from among the candidates who submitted an application. Only shortlisted candidates will be informed of their screening and will be invited during the board meeting.

IX. Selection

Candidate selection will be made among the shortlisted candidates. Travel expenses and other charges, of candidates invited for final selection will be supported by PAFO.

The Executive Secretary will be selected after interviews.

X. Deadline for submissions

All requests for applications must be submitted before 5th December 2014 at the latest. Any application received after this date will not be considered.

XI. Take office of candidate

The function will be taken immediately or depending of the availability of the candidate.

XII. Place of residence

Nairobi in Kenya.

Note: Applications can be male or female.

XIII. Submission of Application

Applications must be submitted to the regional network:
i. East African Farmers Federation (EAFF) :

ii. Plateforme des Organisations Paysannes d'Afrique Centrale (PROPAC) :

iii. Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs Agricole de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA) :
iv. Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) :

v. Union Maghrébine des Agriculteurs (UMAGRI) :

Additional information on Pan-African Farmers Organization and Regional farmers organization:

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