Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Communication & Media Relations Manager

Communication & Media Relations Manager
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
VACANCY Announcement
Communication & Media Relations ManagerRef: FARA/adv./04/CMRM/2014
FARA is the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africaan umbrella organization bringing together and forming coalitions of major stakeholders in agricultural research and development in Africa. FARA complements the innovative activities of national, international and sub-regional research institutions to deliver more responsive and effective services to its stakeholders. It plays advocacy and coordination roles for agricultural research for development, while the national agricultural research systems (NARS), advanced research institutions (ARIs) and international agricultural research centres (IARCs) develop and promote the adoption of improved technologies and policies along the research-to-development continuum in their respective countries and jurisdictions. Since it was established in 2002 FARA has been able to develop several African-wide initiatives through consultation with stakeholders.
During the last five years, FARA and the sub-regional research organizations have gained considerably in strength, and have shifted implementation away from fixed networks to a more flexible programme approach using responsive networking. From 2014 onwards the work of FARA i.e. its Programme, will be structured into three Strategic Priorities. 
In view of the foregoing, FARA is seeking to recruit a highly qualified professional for the position ofCommunication & Media Relations Manager.
To provide leadership and supervise FARA's corporate communication and media relations. The primary responsibility of the role is assuring the quality, tone and consistency of various communication products and stakeholder engagement efforts. As leader of the Corporate Communications team, the Manager will spearhead both external and internal communications with the aim of strengthening FARA's identity and brand reputation through various internal and external communication channels. Focus will be on quality assurance of FARA's image and related web resources, media relations, crafting communication and strategy to guide achievement of outcomes of FARA's 2014-2018 strategic plan and associated Medium Term Operational Plan and overseeing implementation of this strategy. 
Reporting to the Executive Director the Communication and Media Relations Manager shall perform inter-alia the following duties and responsibilities:
Duties and responsibilities:
  • Conceptualizing, planning, organizing, directing and implementing the overall communication strategy, internal and external events and public information for FARA, this will include:
  • Manages the day-to-day internal and external communications and visibility of FARA.
  • Leads the development of a corporate communication, visibility and social media strategy that responds to FARA's mission and objectives, maintaining media relations and maximising media opportunities.
  • Coordinates the development of content for a wide variety of communications vehicles, including electronic and print publications, the intranet, video, PowerPoint, social media, newsletters, roller stands, posters, blogs, FARA website and other emerging electronic media.
  • Develops delivery and packaging plans for corporate messages.
  • Develops branding initiatives, internal communications and external media relations.
  • Develops communication strategies for delivery of corporate culture and business strategy
  • Monitors events, opportunities or developments relevant to Africa's agricultural development at the global, continental, sub-regional and national level from the lens of communication.
  • Serves as editor of FARA's website and other web resources, providing assurance of quality, tone, and consistency of online materials, core messaging, and web-enabled stakeholder engagement.
  • Takes responsibility for general oversight and quality assurance for all editorial output and content creation of all communication materials of FARA intended for publication. 
  • Serves as editor of all publications, coordinates and ensure printing of quarterly articles
  • Works closely with relevant FARA staff to research and collect, compile, write and edit news releases, features, marketing campaigns and opinion pieces on pertinent agricultural research issues in Africa.
  • Managesthe publication and promotion of FARA outcomes, including design printing
  • media releases, blogs, online content, talking points for media interviews and reactive statements for external & Internal use.
  • Works closely with FARA's strategic priorities and programmes to ensure effective and wide-scale dissemination and sharing of FARA's flagship programme and project outputs.
  • Providing media skill building support to FARA staff and forum partners including quality assured outsourced services.  Building in-house capacity, where feasible, to support media engagement activities.
  • Provides commuication support to the African Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (AAAST)
  • Works with the Executive Director's Unit to prepare Presentations, Messages, media interface opportunities and Statements of the Executive Director
  • Any other duties within the scope of communication and media relations as will be assigned by Management.
Education and Experience
Interested Applicants must have a minimum of Master's degree in applied communication, journalism, public relations, or related field and experience. A good knowledge and understanding of African Agricultural development issues. Minimum of 5 years' experience in a related communications, marketing or journalist role.  Five years' experience in leading corporate communication initiatives and/or science writing and editing. Demonstrable experience of representing an organisation in public or/and media relations and excellent public-speaking skills is a must. Creative problem solver with superior ability to conceptualize corporate and technical concepts is needed. Hands-on experience in writing speeches, resolutions, bulletins, reports and presentations.  Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills with French working knowledge. Solid knowledge of developing and implementing media, advocacy or marketing campaigns and social media concepts and tools is a plus. Standard office ICT skills including social media and general understanding of web development software. Knowledge of the CAADP environment will be an added advantage.
This recruitment is pegged on full time Professional Staff salary and benefits, according to experience and qualifications. The position is based at the FARA Secretariat in Accra.
Qualified candidates are invited to submit via email comprehensive Curriculum Vitae together with a motivation letter and names/contact details of three referees to: Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo, ExecutiveDirector,FARA, PMB CT 173, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana. Applications will be accepted up to 3rd December November 2014. Please use the job title and reference in the subject line of your email.
Due to anticipated high volume of applicants, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications which do not meet the stated criteria will be rejected.
FARA Affirmative Action Statement on Employment
There is no discrimination on the basis of gender race, religion, ethnic orientation, disability or health status.

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