Monday, May 12, 2014

Monitoring &Evaluation (M&E) OFFICER

Monitoring &Evaluation (M&E) OFFICER
RTI International has been implementing the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Tanzania Vector Control Scale-up Project (TVCSP) since 2010 in collaboration with the National Malaria Control Programme, and the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Programme (ZAMEP) to support Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in select districts of both Mainland and Zanzibar; establish and maintain the malaria surveillance systems and response strategy; as well as develop capacities of NMCP, ZAMEP, and the targeted districts to plan and implement IRS and surveillance activities. RTI International in collaboration with NMCP and relevant local institutions is also supporting an LLIN school nets distribution program in THREE selected regions of LINDI, MTWARA, and RUVUMA through an integrated vector management framework. The M&E Officer will be based in Dar-es-Salaam
Primary Function
This position is for the TVCSP-LLIN Project in Mainland Tanzania. The Monitoring &Evaluation (M&E) Officer will work to support the component's M&E activities in the mentioned THREE (03) Regionsof Tanzania. He/she will work closely and communicate regularly with the Senior M&E Specialist, with technical oversight from the Senior Epidemiologist. The M&E Officer will contribute to support and supervision of designated M&E assistants, as well as other regional and district staff in the collection and monitoring of routine malaria data.
Key roles and responsibilities
The M&E Officer will support the Senior M&E Specialist and all those involved in project in:
·   Identifying and designing performance questions, key indicators and targets for each level of the project objectives hierarchy
·   Monitor project performance using the performance monitoring plan
·   Support the existing M&E and management information system
·   Work with the M&E assistants and other staff to implement M&E related activities and obtain project data
·   Train and facilitate in M&E designs and implementation process for the relevant staff at regional and district levels
·   Participate in project survey, including design, sampling, developing of  questionnaires, supervision of fieldwork and reporting on results
·   Collect, analyze, and compile progress reports for project data gathered throughout the life of project
·   Collaborate frequently with NMCP and other stakeholders to develop feasible and effective discussions on project data, analysis and reports
Required qualifications and Experience
·   A Bachelor's degree in Public Health, Demography, Development Studies, Statistics, ICT, Administration, or another related field;
·   Must have at least three years of experience working in health and development programs providing M&E and data for decision making to similar programs;
·   Background in M&E and experience with USAID reporting requirements;
·   Experienced with M&E reporting, data management & analysis, malaria indicators, ICT, and written and oral presentation of data findings;
·   Experienced managing program implementation, and training staff;
·   Strong organizational and interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team-oriented setting;
·   Ability to work under pressure with little supervision;
·   Must possess excellent oral and written communication skills and fluency in English and Swahili.
Extensive travel throughout the Southern Regions of Mainland Tanzania i.e. Lindi, Mtwara & Ruvuma Regions.
How to Apply: Applicants who meets the requirements should email a cover letter indicating the position applied with comprehensive CV to or through RTI International Tanzania Amani place, 5th floor, Ohio Street, P.O Box 369 Dar es salaam Deadline for submission of application is Monday 19 May 2014.

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