Thursday, August 22, 2013

Registered Nurse , Unilever Tea Tanzania Ltd

Registered Nurse , Unilever Tea Tanzania Ltd
Department:Medical Department
Reports to:Hospital Matron
Location:Mufindi, Tanzania
Duties and responsibilities of Registered Nurse Giving direct nursing care to individual patients.
Keeping custody of patients valuables, hospital property and safety of patients and staff
Maintaining highest nursing ethical conduct and etiquette guided by philosophies of nursing and those formulated in the hospital. Utilizing nursing process as a guide for planning nursing care, ordering nursing intervention to meet patients needs and implement both intervention and treatment regimes
Ascertaining correctness and validity of doctor's prescription for treatment before, during and after giving treatment to patients. Keeping accurate and update state of health observation charts, and nursing care notes
Assist in major operations and surgical procedures when required and also during outside working hours.
Advising and liaising with matron all matters pertaining to patients care i.e requirement for standard nursing care and supervise their implementation
Assisting in orientation of both new nursing staff, patients, and visitors
Maintaining the ward conducive for patients care and writing nursing and patients progress report Liaising with Religious leaders for patients spiritual care adoration and ablution(baptism)
Implementation of company defined policies ,procedures ,programs and systems allowing the unit/Department to meet the company commitment on Occupational Health, Safety environment care and consumer safety
Proactive identification of hazards or environmental aspects and putting in place effective safeguards aiming at eliminating/reduction of accidents or incidents.
Facilitation of learning for nursing staff in class room and clinical setting.
Supervise Enrolled Nurses and Medical attendants under her/ his care. Prepare work for staff under her/his care
Responsible for giving health education on common diseases to in patients.
Relevant Skills and experience A Diploma in Nursing
3 years experience in relevant field
Effective communication and influencing skills Good spoken/written English and Swahili languages Good computer skills
Flexibility with work hours depending upon business needs
Excellent communication skills and trainer capabilities

Application Instructions:
All applications should be sent to the address below on or before 02nd September 2012. Eligible candidates are required to submit detailed CV with names of three referees and an application letter.
Unilever is an equal opportunity employer
Unilever Tea Tanzania Ltd
Iringa - Mufindi

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