Thursday, October 11, 2012

UNICEF Tanzania Evaluation of the mobile application technologies implemented for the Maternal and Child Health services

Evaluation of the mobile application technologies implemented by D-Tree International to support the provision of screening, examination and treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Maternal and Child Health services in Tanzania
The United Nations Children's Funds (UNICEF) Tanzania is currently seeking proposals from institutional consulting firm, consortia of consultants and/or companies to carry out the following activities as per the below:
UNICEF is commissioning an evaluation of the two D-Tree implemented pilot projects to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the use of mobile technology for the screening and treatment purposes in the areas of nutrition and maternal health. Specific objectives include the following: • To assess the use, applicability of and preference for mobile phone based tools compared to paper-based methods to inform decision support systems in maternal health and nutrition programmes. • To assess the extent to which mobile phone based tools improve the quality of care provided at the health facilities compared to traditional methods in maternal health and nutrition programmes. • To assess how information generated by the project is used by beneficiaries, health workers, district health officials, the Ministry of Health, UNICEF and other partners where relevant in maternal health and nutrition programmes. • To assess the potential for scale up and integration with national health information systems and health (including mHealth) architectures in Tanzania. • To systematically document weaknesses, strengths, constraints, opportunities and lessons learnt in the project implementation.
How to apply: 
The interested Institutional consulting firm, consortia of consultants or companies may obtain further information on the tender from Mr. Charles Semiono by email only:, and copy Please kindly note that the deadline for requesting the tender documentation will be at 1000hrs (Dar es Salaam time) on the 17th October 2012, and the bidding documentation should be lodged with the UNICEF Supply section no later than the 07th November, 2012 at 1000hrs (Dar es Salaam time).

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