Friday, October 26, 2012

Country Director, Somaliland, Hargesa

We work in partnership with local NGOs and by supporting a number of other projects and policy influencing initiatives.  

The organization is among the leading NGOs promoting poverty focused strategies and programmes.

General Responsibilities

The person is expected to manage, lead and shape a vision for the organization in Somaliland, by aligning the two strategies, implement the aligned country strategy to provide quality program management, policy and advocacy work as well as lead on other organizational systems to drive the needed change agenda both at national and international levels relating to Somali.

This is expected to be done in line with the established policies, principles and operating practice of the organization federation, as well as good management practice and the political, social, cultural & economic environment.

Specific Responsibilities

Organisational and Corporate Development
  • Implement and further develop its vision, mission, philosophy and principles in line with agreed corporate strategies and organisational priorities.
  • Actively contribute to it's development as an international and regional organisation.
  • Maintain regular communication with the Line manager and across other staff of the organization's Federation as appropriate.
  • Provide inputs to corporate activities as and when required, including participation on task forces, training courses and conferences.
Programme Implementation
  • Lead and direct the work of the organization in accordance with sound management practice and it's development policies and accountability systems.
  • Ensure it has a well balanced, well documented and cost effective programme.
  • Develop its capacity to document, disseminate and learn from development work and ensure all reporting is of the highest standard.
  • Manage and encourage co-operative relationships established with various specialist institutions and ensure that these joint initiatives conform to programme objectives.
  • Ensure all programme activities are sensitive to and responsive to changes in the political, social, and economic environments.
Financial Management & Control
  • Ensure that the control of expenditure and the disbursement of resources is in accordance with established procedures and maintain the financial and legal integrity of the organisation.
  • Provide progress and financial reports as required by the government and organization's accountability procedures and as required by other organisations.
Human Resource Development & Management
  • Maintain effective and appropriate staff recruitment, induction, appraisal, remuneration and development practice at all levels to ensure the optimum utilisation and development of it's human resources.
  • Appoint, develop and manage senior management staff. Ensure a high calibre of staff is recruited while  promoting affirmative action within the organisation in favour of women.
  • Encourage a corporate perspective amongst staff and actively promote staff exchange, secondment and development schemes, where these contribute to the meeting of organization's programme objectives and priorities
Relationship with the Government of Somalia
  • Ensure that it operates within the terms and conditions of all legal agreements with the Government of Somalia.
  • Establish, develop and maintain excellent working relationships with the Government; in particular with relevant national, provincial and district level officials.
  • Provide support to all senior managers in their dealings with officials.
Local Fundraising & Liaison with Funders/Donors
  • Ensure a regular flow of information is available to the funding departments and to donors and official funders as required by the various funding mechanisms.
  • Establish and develop working relationships with key donors and actively develop local funding sources appropriate to the organization's resource needs.
Policy, Research & Advocacy Work
  • Encourage the development of appropriate research with a view to improving the quality of field work and influencing changes in policy to improve the quality of life for the poor.
  • Maintain sound relations with policy, research and advocacy specialists at regional and international levels.
Media Engagements
  • Develop and manage a sound relationship with all sections of the media and ensure that any published material accurately reflects the views of the organisation.
  • Establish an appropriate public image for the organization that is in keeping with it's values and culture.
Emergency Preparedness

Develop and maintain appropriate contingency plans for all kinds of emergencies. Such plans to be presented for approval of the supervisor for inclusion in corporate emergency response mechanisms.

Other Requirements

Carry out other assignments as requested by the supervisor either in-country or other countries.

Internal Relationships: Line Manager, Other CDs, senior management team, & other relevant internal stakeholders.

External Relationships: Donors, government agencies, partners & other stakeholders

If interested kindly send your CV to  with the job title as subject matter


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