Sunday, January 29, 2012

Job Opportunity











Selous – Niassa Wildlife Protection Corridor Project


As part of the Bilateral Financial Cooperation Agreement between the United Republic of Tanzania and the Federal Republic of Germany, in 2007, KfW and the Republic of Tanzania signed agreements on the "Selous-Niassa Wildlife Protection Corridor" project. Within these agreements, the German Financial Cooperation through KfW is providing EUR funding for investments and consultancy services. The funds are used to support the sustainable development and Community based management initiative for Selous-Niassa wildlife corridors.


The Objectives of the project are:


1.     The designated ecological linkage between Selous & Niassa Game Reserves is sustainably protected.

2.     The living conditions of the population in the SNWPC are improved.

3.     The established Authorized Associations sustainably manage the 5 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)/natural resource base in adherence with the land use management plans.


WCST is looking for a suitable candidate to be recruited as Advisor for Community-Based Natural Recourse Management and expert in Authorized Associations (AAs) for WMAs.

The candidates must show abilities on localizing the project activities in accordance with local policies and WMAs regulations. The candidate should have expertise and sound knowledge of policies and regulations related to management of Natural Resources specifically Wildlife Management Areas.




Job Title: Community Based Natural Resource Management Advisor


Report to: International Team Leader


Objective of Position:

To advise the Community Based Organizations (CBOs)/ Authorized Associations (AAs) entrusted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism – Wildlife Division with the management of Wildlife Management Areas in the Selous – Niassa Wildlife Corridor on the sustainable management and utilization of the resources of the WMA and on the optimization of the benefits to be generated by the utilization of the user rights to the Wildlife Management Area.


Specific Duties:

1.     Review of the existing bylaws, pertaining to the natural resources, at District and Village level.

2.     Capacity building of the CBO/AA management on internal organization and institutional development (IDOS).

3.     Capacity building of the CBO/AA management on product development and business planning.

4.     Facilitation of legal support to the CBO/AA management.

5.     Advise the CBO/AA management during the negotiating process with potential clients


Communication and Interaction:

1.     Internal: Project Director, Project CBNRM Advisor, Project Accountant.

2.     External: District Executive Director, Head of District Lands, Natural Resource Management and Environment Office, District Game Officer, District Environmental Management Officer.

3.     Language: Ability to speak, read and write Kiswahili and English.


Minimum Qualification:

A Degree in Natural Resource Management (forestry or wildlife), rural development or other relevant fields is required. Any post graduate qualification is an added advantage.


Experience on Management of Natural Resources and Community Development programmes is required, IDO experience desired.


A  Minimum of seven years of Experience is required


How to Apply:

  • All applications to be addressed to:

Chief Coordinator through WCST email: with copy to

  • Applications to be received not latter than 15th February 2012 at 04.00pm



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